Food for Free captures the REAL spirit of the holidays…every day! (Originally posted 12/15)

Matt records segments for Jordan Rich’s “Connoisseur’s Corner” which airs on WBZ ( weekdays at 11:55 AM.
The following is a “script” for one of Matt’s forthcoming segments:


Food for Free

With the holiday season just past, a lot of us are thinking about all the overeating we did and all the food we wasted. Especially as hunger and homelessness are still such large issues in the area (and the world), it would be nice to find people who can truly help us all.

Fortunately, there are!

Food For Free is a Cambridge-based organization that helps rescue food that would otherwise go to waste. They partner with farms, schools, and purveyors and deliver the food that is not used at these places to people who need it. In addition to curbing hunger, their healthy food also helps deal with the growing obesity problem in this country. If you own a restaurant or are even catering an event, you can arrange with Food for Free to come by and pick up whatever is not eaten, knowing that it will go to good causes instead to landfills.

So enjoy your meal, but always be sure to keep the less fortunate in mind and also the people who can help them.
