Be a “Craic” addict

Matt regularly appears with Jordan Rich on “Connoisseur’s Corner” which airs on WBZ ( weekdays at 11:55 AM.

The following is a “script” for one of Matt’s forthcoming segments:


The Craic and Blonde

I have an admission to make- I think I am becoming a craic addict.

That’s CRAIC as in “Fun” in Gaelic. And not just because I live in an Irish part of the world and like to have fun, but also because it is part of the name of one of my new favorite food companies- The Craic and Blonde.

While part of the name is Irish, the flavor and culture (and fun) come from Haiti, the ancestral homeland of founder Blonde Beauchamp. Though she too spent time in Ireland and found inspiration to start her own company there, her goal is to bring positive attention and yes fun back to her native land- a land that has been beaten up and down in recent years.

Her first line of attack on the negativity is a native condiment called Pikilz (PIKILZ) that can be used on pretty much anything including Blonde’s handmade plantain chips. She has also released a mild or hot Hatian spice rub and is always working with native farmers to establish direct trade and develop and promote new ideas.

So even though they may have many other options, it is high time that people admitted that there is nothing wrong (and a lot right) with a little Craic, especially when it comes from Haiti.

