Repour Wine Saver

Matt regularly appears with Jordan Rich on “Connoisseur’s Corner” which airs on WBZ Saturdays and Sundays at 9:25 AM and 3:25 PM.

Recent samples can be found at

The following is a “script” for one of Matt’s segments:

As listeners know, I have been enjoying my Coravin, but sometimes it is a bit awkward to carry (and can make some friends jealous when I bring it over), so I have been looking for other options to preserve my favorite wines.

Among my favorites in this apparently-growing space is the Repour Wine Saver which was created by chemist and oenophile Tom Lutz.

As this system involves only a stopper that absorbs extra oxygen into it instead of having to pump it out, it can be easily and discreetly brought to homes and even restaurants and placed in any bottle, preserving the wine for the rest of a meal or the rest of the week. When used correctly (which is as easy as removing a foil seal and placing the stopper firmly in the bottle), Repour brings oxygen levels down to less than .03 parts per million (which is basically zero), removing the oxygen instead of simply displacing it. As I try so many great wines each month, I have even had bottles that I forgot I had opened weeks before and they tasted pretty much like new when I reopened the Repour! 

Each recyclable unit costs around a dollar and can be used by homes and restaurants. So the next time you want to try a new wine but not commit to getting sloshed, try Repour and help preserve your wine and your health!