Food for the hungry

Matt’s segments for “Connoisseur’s Corner” usually air on WBZ (1030 AM) Saturdays at 7:25, 8:25, 9:25, and 11:55 AM and Sundays at 7:25, 8:25, 9:25 AM.

Recent samples can be found at Recent samples can be found at

If you have ideas for future segments, please send them to

Also, please follow me on Twitter @MattsMeals73.

Thanks for listening and thanks for supporting our friends and neighbors in the food-service industry!

Even though many of us have emerged from COVID, many painful remnants remain.

While restaurant industry continues to recover and count its losses, the rolls of hungry in this country and around the world have continued to rise.

One of my favorite organizations to help with this latter issue is Mazon. Though couched in the Jewish community, Mazon helps people around the world from all backgrounds and faiths and gives more to the people in need than many other organizations of its kind.

After celebrating its 36th year in existence (36 being two times 18, which relates to the Hebrew word for “life”) with a party that featured famed cookbook authors and chefs Joan Nathan and Gail Simmons and actor Joshua Malina, Mazon has also published a book to celebrate its “double-Chai” year.

Called (appropriately enough) The Celebration Cookbook, this collection of Jewish-inspired international tastes features Nathan and Simmons as well as Michael Twitty, Einat Admony, Adeena Sussman, Gale Gand, Vivian Ku and many others. As with all things Mazon does, proceeds will benefit the hungry around the world.

So help others while helping yourself to some great recipes from some of the best chefs around.
