I’ve spoken often of the delicious flavors of Sweet Chaos popcorn.

Most recently, I discovered one that is more chaotic than sweet, and yet I can’t get enough!

As Matt’s Meals fans know, one of my favorite snacks (other than popcorn) are pickles. So how excited was I when I found out that my friends at Sweet Chaos were coming out with a dill pickle-flavored popcorn?

As soon as the box arrived, I tore open the first bag and was pretty much done with it within minutes. The combination of dill and vinegar was perfect and I ended up going back to the bag later that night while watching a movie on TV and then to the next bag a day or so later. 

Perhaps if movie theaters used Sweet Chaos popcorn, Netflix wouldn’t have such a stranglehold on the entertainment industry. In any case, Sweet Chaos surely has a hold on this popcorn lover! And even if you do not like pickles (I’m talking to you, “Green”!), Sweet Chaos has enough flavors to satisfy every taste. From traditional kettle corn made with real cane sugar and popcorn wrapped in real white cheddar cheese to their bag-at-a-time black and white cookie and peanut butter cup drizzled varieties and such seasonal stock-ups as peppermint stick and pumpkin spice, Sweet Chaos has been a regular resident in my pantry since I discovered them and I look forward to seeing what they develop next.

All of their amazing flavors are made with non-GMO corn kernels and hand-cooked in coconut oil for a creamy flavor that actually packs a little extra nutrition. 

Pickles and popcorn may sound odd, but believe me, it will at least be a gateway to some of your next favorite snacks – Sweet Chaos popcorns.