While Chanukah is officially “late” this year (starting on December 25), the folks at The Charles Hotel are already getting into the spirit with the return of the Maccabee Bar pop-up at Noir. 

Through New Years Day, the street-level bar and nosherie will get totally lit (with safety-conscious digital candles, of course) and offering sufganiyot (basically jelly donuts) and other special treats that will have you spinning your dreidel even if you also decorate a tree, light the world with Kwanzaa, or dance around the Festivus Pole.

For seven years, Maccabee Bar maker Naomi Levy has been bringing holiday fun and food to chosen places in New York and MA. And while she still hopes to land in NYC in time to recall the ancient miracles, the Charles Hotel is offering a special package for those who need to get their spin on in style.

In addition to the already great Noir menu, the pop-up features non-traditional traditional Chanukah foods from Executive Chef Sean Lizotte and Pastry Chef Daniel Angelopolus like left-of-center latkes, an authentic smoked salmon plate, and a different donut flavor each day. On the bev side, the illuminating cocktail list includes the sufganiyot sour, the Aperol Schvitz (made with real Manischewitz), the Hebrew Hammer (Maccabee means “hammer”), and a deliciously dark dreidel-inspired drink that comes with chocolate gelt garnish.

Of course, while you are in the hotel, be sure to drift upstairs to try the latest in farm-to-table excellence at Henreietta’s Table or live Jazz at Regattabar to find more holiday surprises.

So whether you feel lonely on Chanukah or just want to see how the 2% live, take a spin by Harvard Square to light up every night this month.

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