Though the Seaport may have already become too big for its bridges, there are still places to take in what was once the only view from the Hub’s newest neighborhood- that of the beautiful Boston Harbor.

For years, one of the best places to capture a truly Boston moment was while dining at the legendary Daily Catch while peeking out from beneath its brick arches at the rolling waves and warming sun and across to the Boston Harbor Hotel (which also offers great food and views).

While the Catch may be gone, the legendary view is back thanks to the local team that has opened a stunning new lounge called Marcelino’s Levantine Cocktails & Cuisine.
Helmed by Mediterranean Chef Maroun Nohra and bar director Refaat Ghostin, Marcelino’s is set to build upon the success of their Boutique Bar in Providence.

Offering masterfully-made mezze-style small plates and made-to-order mixes (both alcoholic and non-) that include such international impressions as olive sourdough,za’atar fattoush salad, saffron baby squid, and a decadent grilled lamb with Turkish ezme, as well as cocktails that feature tomato and oregano and watermelon and rhubarb, the Andalusian-themed space (which has been completely reimagined and redesigned) will also host live music and is perfect for after-work rendezvous and other special events.

Marcelino’s is sure to be the new perfect spot for a bite, a beverage, and a breathtaking view, so brave the traffic and come on down!

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