We have spoken often about the medicinal benefits of chocolate (as demonstrated by our friends at the flavonoid-packed FlavaNaturals), but at this time of year, the sweet treat can have the added benefit of making you feel warm and cozy inside and out.

That is why I am so glad to announce that our friends at Cacao, Chocolate Bar & Cafe (which recently expanded from Newton Highlands into the South End with a store at 570 Columbus Avenue) is opening in the Financial District at 64 Broad Street! 

Based on the knowledge garnered by co-owner Perla Rosario on her family’s cacao farm in the Dominican Republic and her partner Leo Baez’s cashew farm, Cacao offers some of the freshest and most decadently delicious covered nuts this side of Q’s at Boston Public Market.

However, what will surely bring the fans running is their award-winning hot cocoa, which can be flavored internationally or enjoyed traditionally.

Need a gift for a holiday party? Cacao has you covered there too with bean-to-bar chocolate from all over Latin and South America, as well as hand-crafted caramels, vibrant marzipan, brimming barks, chai cups, coffee drinks, and more!

While every visit to Cacao is special this space may be especially dear to Perla’s heart because her mother worked in the building as a custodian many years ago and she is now fulfilling the dream that so many come to Boston with by planting her flag of success in the same spot.

What could be sweeter?

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