As I was recently diagnosed with atrial fibrillation, I am more aware of what I put in my body than ever.
And as much as I loved talking about and trying it, coffee has been pushed to the back seat of my diet for the time being.
Fortunately, I have found many alternatives, including Fig Brew, FourSigmatic mushroom-based brews, and Sun Chlorella’s green powder.
Though it admittedly may not look all that tempting, Sun Chlorella’s DYNO-Mill-pulverized powder mixes easily into drinks and does not overpower with its taste. And when I think about the power it is giving me energetically and how it is also supporting my muscles, immune system, and gut health, it is totally worth it!
As if I needed more reasons to enjoy Sun Chlorella powder, one of my fave musicians, Kacey Musgraves, recently released a signature smoothie through California’s legendary Erewhon markets that features Sun Chlorella powder and is donating proceeds to support victims of the recent fires through the Altadena Girls charity.
If you cannot make it to the trendy grocery chain, Kasey’s Deeper Wellness smoothie can be made at home or anywhere you are with such easy-to-find ingredients as Lion’s Mane mushrooms, vanilla, spinach, the protein powder of your choice, and, of course, Sun Chlorella, and you can support the cause by going to or @altadenagirls on Instagram.
If smoothies aren’t your thing, Sun Chlorella also offers a line of Chlorella-infused Udon noodles that pack all of their nutrition and flavor into cups of boiling water!
For more information on the deep green superfood, go to