It’s Passover time, so we need to check in with Steve Peljovich at Michael’s Deli in Brookline.

After all, where else can you get kosher (for Passover) beef knishes, broccoli kugel, and a homemade brisket that may very well be better than your Bubbe’s (just sayin’) all in one place?

As if that weren’t enough, Michael’s is entering the world of online ordering, so be sure to check out for updates and menus.

Speaking of convenience, Steve is still happy to deliver his delicious foods to your homes (I’m speaking to YOU, folks in Brookline, Newton Needham, and Wellesley!), so it might be time to move!

And speaking of supporting communities, every Monday from 10-2, Steve will donate proceeds from food sales to a different charitable organization as part of his popular Do Good Mondays program.

There are just so many reasons to support Steve, but the most important one, of course, is the food!While Michael’s is known as “The Corned Beef King,” it also offers a slew of delicious option that range from off-the-frame turkey to mango curry chicken salad and chopped liver to pastrami and combinations like the “Unkept” tuna salad (made with Maui onion chips!), the Surfside Club (with turkey and crispy pastrami), as well as the Cancer Stinks (proceeds from which go to the American Cancer Society Relay for Life, which Steve has been part of for decades), and Thorty Black and Gold (which donates proceeds to former Bruins great Shawn Thornton’s charitable foundation). It’s as if Steve can’t help but give back- so we need to keep making sure he gets as good as he gives.

Fortunately, that is NOT hard to do as the food is just SO good- at Passover or ANY time of year!