Tabbed Out makes paying for food and drink easier, faster, and safer (Originally posted 12/15)

Matt records segments for Jordan Rich’s “Connoisseur’s Corner” which airs on WBZ ( weekdays at 11:55 AM.
The following is a “script” for one of Matt’s forthcoming segments:


Tabbed Out

People in Boston love to go out to eat and drink and have a good time. What many of us do not love is fighting for a jostling for position at the bar or waiting after we are done eating to take care of a bill. What is worse is having to hand over our credit card and then not seeing it again for a while.

While Legal Sea Foods made waves a decade ago by introducing table-side paying systems, there is a newer development from Austin, TX that takes the speed and security to the next level.

Tabbed Out is a new app that allows you to pay your bill for food or drinks on your phone. You set up an account with an encrypted credit card, srt how much you want to tip, and then, when you get to one of the hundreds of venues that are using the system you just open the tab on your phone and, when you are ready to go, close it out and go without every bothering the wait staff. It saves them time, you time, and gets you get on your way without any problems or security risks.

To sign up, go to and use the promo code MATTMEALS for $5 off your tab at any of the affiliated venues.
