Matt regularly appears with Jordan Rich on “Connoisseur’s Corner” which airs on WBZ ( weekdays at 11:55 AM.
The following is a “script” for one of Matt’s segments:
It seems like just yesterday when everyone favorite Brooklyn-born brewery – Schmaltz Brewing Company – was celebrating its bar mitzvah! And yet, here it is turning 21 and finally able to enjoy itself fully!
To celebrate the auspicious occasion, the Shmatlz-ers have come up with a seasonal brew that is perfect to l’chaim any simchah or special occasion. It also pairs perfectly with almost any food (or not) and fits in well with Shmaltz’s expanding menu of malt-based beverages, including the She-brew Double IPA, Messiah Nut Brown Ale, Slingshot American Craft Lager, and the many beers that pay tribute to Star Trek and other wonderfully shmatlz-y things.
So while it may not be appropriate for a bris or baby naming, the line of Schmaltz beers continues to add fun and funky flavors that show how a little beer from Brooklyn has grown up to be a man.