All-Natural Aquaponic Lawns, Gardens & Vertical Gardens
Logan Lyons and Caleb Warnock
As more and more consumers become more and more concerned with what they put into their bodies (as well they should be!), more and more of them are trying to grow more and more of what they put into their bodies on their own. And while lack of knowledge and lack of space can be valid reasons to go gently into this hyper-locally sourced venture, there is more and more advice out there for the would-be self-producing consumer.
As part of Familius’ Backyard Renaissance collection self-sufficiency experts Logan Lyons and Caleb Warnock have put together a handy and unitimidatingly slim guide to growing a lot of food in not a lot of space by allowing and encouraging various species of plant and animal (in this case, fish) to yield maximal benefit for both and also for the farmers.
From setting up your space and irrigation system to choosing everything from soil and seeds to fish and filters, Lyons and Warnock use their own stories and experience to reassure new farmers every step of the way.