Bake challah for breast cancer on October 23

Matt regularly appears with Jordan Rich on “Connoisseur’s Corner” which airs on WBZ weekdays at 11:55 AM.

Recent samples can be found at

The following is a “script” for one of Matt’s segments:


As if we could take time off from being concerned about friends and loved ones who are ill in any way, October is traditionally marked as breast cancer awareness month.

In an effort to raise awareness while offering sustenance to the survivors and their friends and families, 18 members of the Massachusetts Chabad community, together with the Jewish breast cancer organization Sharsheret, the Shabbos Project,and Myriad Genetics, will offer the breast cancer community and everyone else an opportunity to gather, learn, and bake at their Mega Pink Challah Bake, which will take place October 23 at Moseley’s on the Charles in Dedham at 7 PM.

In addition to tons of rolling and kneading, over 500 women are expected to gather for an evening of education and even screening and testing. So bring your insurance card, your elbow grease, and your desire to help others while having fun and making a delicious challah you can use for Shabbat, a gift for a friend or loved one, or for a satisfying snack on the way home.