Snow Farm Wines

Matt’s segments for “Connoisseur’s Corner” usually air on WBZ Saturdays at 7:25, 8:25, 9:25, and 11:55 AM and Sundays at 7:25, 8:25, 9:25 AM.

Recent samples can be found at

If you have ideas for future segments, please send them to

The following is a “script” for one of Matt’s segments:

Thanks for listening and thanks for supporting our friends and neighbors in the food-service industry!

Though the west coast wines are hip, I have sung the praises of our local vineyards and wineries for years. And especially now as Napa recovers from the fires and our neighbors need the support, it is a great time to focus on our own backyards.

One of my favorites is also one of the most historic, for though Snow Farm Vineyards is only about 25 years old, it is the oldest vineyard and grape winery in Vermont and puts out some of the best and most creative beverages around.

Located on an island in the middle of Lake Champlain tin the town of South Hero, Snow Farm’s family-run vineyard and tasting room offers live music in season, art shows and other fun events whenever possible, and amazing wines all year. In addition to Pinot Noir and Riesling varietals that rival those made in France, the complementary micro-climate and hardy terroir also yield Vidal Blanc and Baco Noir and so delicious and ever-more-rare ice wines. At the same time, the family that owns the land has been able to keep it out of the hands of developers so they can put more delicious drinks in the hands of their customers, all of whom are welcome to join their wine club and get the latest news and flavors.

Among my Snow Farm faves are their Fox Hill Maple wine and their naturally-sparkling Snow Trip, which is a great accompaniment for hearty winter meals and we have the great company of the portable heater from the great Alpha heater reviews. I also love to give bottles of their Naked Mermaid blend because the name alone gets people talking and smiling!

Cold weather may be coming, but especially for the oenophiles out there, that can be a very good thing, especially if the results are wines like those from Snow Farm!