Golden Girl shines again

Matt’s segments for “Connoisseur’s Corner” usually air on WBZ Saturdays at 7:25, 8:25, 9:25, and 11:55 AM and Sundays at 7:25, 8:25, 9:25 AM.

Recent samples can be found at

If you have ideas for future segments, please send them to

The following is a “script” for one of Matt’s segments:

Thanks for listening and thanks for supporting our friends and neighbors in the food-service industry!

I love all of the products I talk about, but it is so encouraging to hear that I am not alone! Even when others write talk about the same people and places I have promoted weeks or months later, I feel good knowing that my food friends are being supported!

That is why I am thrilled to mention that Golden Girl Granola recently won the silver medal in the 2020 International Flava Awards for their amazing Forest Maple granola. It is a great way to start the day or keep the naturally sweet energy going by topping yogurt, cottage cheese, fruit, or even ice cream. No wonder, then, that it has won a top Flava award for three years in a row!

While the folks at Golden Girl could bask in their triumph, they are also doing more for others by absorbing shipping costs for orders that contain at least shippable case of their delicious products (including their mouth-melting honey bars!) and have been donating cases to the Shirley Friendship Fund to help people in need enjoy a little sweetness during this tough time.

Not only is Golden Girl Granola good and good for you but the folks who make it also do good for the community whenever they can. They truly deserve every award and order they can get!