Zachary’s Dinnertime – Lara Levinson (Star Bright)

Matt’s segments for “Connoisseur’s Corner” usually air on WBZ Saturdays at 7:25, 8:25, 9:25, and 11:55 AM and Sundays at 7:25, 8:25, 9:25 AM.

Recent samples can be found at

If you have ideas for future segments, please send them to

The following is a “script” for one of Matt’s segments:

Thanks for listening and thanks for supporting our friends and neighbors in the food-service industry!

Raise your hand if you have children who are a bit fussy when it comes to eating.

Now raise your hand, please, if your kids (or significant others) are not the most eager when it comes to helping out around the house.

If any of you raised your hand (along with me, I will admit), I have a great food-related book for you!

It is called Zachary’s Dinnertimeand was published here in Cambridge by Star Bright books. Author Lara Levinson has been a writer for many years and clearly understands young kids and their proclivities, especially when it comes to the dinner table.

In this brightly-colored and diversely-peopled book, Zachary is depicted as a young boy who feels put upon by his nightly duties of preparing and cleaning up after dinner. In an effort to avoid peeling and washing, he goes to a series of friends’ houses to eat. Over the course of a week’s worth of international courses, he learns about cuisine from other lands and also comes to appreciate what he had at home. In the end, he is happy to play host to his many foodie friends!

The book has inspired me to look into more international options for my own family’s meals and has also inspired my girls to do more to help prepare them.

Hands down- this is a GREAT book!