If they were just a Veteran-owned company, I would be a fan of Fire Dept. Coffee.

If they just had flavors like vanilla sprinkle donut, skull-crushing espresso, and rum-infused coffee, I would be a fan of Fire Dept. Coffee.

If they offered only a Coffee of the Month club that lets firefighters and other fans enjoy their single-origin and other fantastic flavors with every super-charging sip, and not their first responder-supporting t-shirt club, I would be a fan of Fire Dept. Coffee.

But when I learned that Fire Dept. Coffee now comes in nitro-charged ready-to-drink cans that feature such favorite flavors as Irish coffee, vanilla bean Bourbon, and shellback espresso (which offers a special tip of the pull tab to the Navy), the ability to take their life-enhancing flavor and life-saving energy with me almost anywhere took even my fandom to a new level.

Not only does this stuff help keep firefighters up and at ‘em (both with its flavor and energy and also with donations to the Fire Dept. Coffee Foundation), it does it with one-of-a-kind flavors that are as special and worthy of praise as every first responder who enjoys them and that can help get you up the ladder every day as well.

The alarm bell is ringing. Will you answer?