While I love to talk about food, I also make a point to point out and support the many people who do not have enough.

From touting the latest event for the Greater Boston Food Bank (which is June 28 and 29 at Fenway Park, by the way) to writing a cookbook to raise awareness of and funds for the expansion of the WISHDISH homeless catering program to celebrating the spirit and flavor of such waste-fighting food distributors as Too Good to Go and food makers like Matriark, Re-Grained, and the Veteran-owned Fire Dept. Coffee, we all need to support not only the people who use what others throw out but also the people who benefit from such efforts as well.

That is why I want to be sure to spread the word that June is now officially Upcycled Food Month!

By visiting using the tag #ShopUP, consumers and producers can join the Upcycled Food Association (UFA) and be part of the growing movement that promotes using more of what is grown to serve more people and to minimize waste so more food ends up filling stomachs and not dumps.

Throughout the month, the UFA will be hosting live and online events that revolve around Upcycled Food Month. While you are exploring their website, there are membership benefits for every link in the supply chain – from farmers to diners – and all of them benefit everyone else too!

In addition to information about responsible upcycling, the UFA’s website also has tips to help you make your food dollar go further and even recipes to inspire you to try new combinations of foods that can expand your horizons as well.