As Matt’s Meals fans know, I love independent makers and I LOVE condiments!
Among my favorite food friends in this relished realm are J. Lee’s Sauces and True Made Foods (both of which are also run by Veterans!), and more local legends like Spicy Shark and American Vinegar Works.
Recently, I came upon a new top topping that comes in a palate-bursting variety of delicious options.
Made by hand in Contoocook, NH, Blackwater Mustard Co. combines ancient seeds with some of today’s most popular foods and beverages to make mustards (Yes- I said “mustardS”!) that are almost good enough to eat on their own (Don’t judge!).
While the most basic version may be the Everyday Café & Pub mustard (which is inspired by and used at a nearby eatery that is favorite among locals and visitors alike- probably thanks at least in part to the mustard!), Blackwater also infuses their mustards with locally-sourced apple cider, cranberries, garlic, and spicy dill (the last of which is named for the founder’s wife!). They also partner with local maple syrup tappers and local beer tappers as well, including Tuckerman Brewery and a collaboration with Kettlehead Brewery that has revealed a chocolate stout mustard that I have, in fact, eaten with a spoon (I said don’t judge!). In another effort to give back to their community, Blackwater offers proceeds from their Pope Poupon to the New Hampshire Potato Project, which helps hungry neighbors get things to put the mustards on.
As there are so many flavors to choose from, choosing which to use can be a challenge, even for the most devoted mustard-head. Luckily, Blackwater not only offers customizable gift packs, but also an ever-expanding menu of recipes on their website (
If mustard is not your thing (What?!), Blackwater also offers Big Pete’s BBQ Sauce and Uncle Billy’s apple wood chips that make nearly any meal more flavorful, but if you want to really turn up the taste, stick to the titular toppings from Blackwater Mustard Co.
While Chanukah may be a favorite for the younger set, I have always been a fan of Passover. Though I have long enjoyed the family time, in recent years, my yearning for the Exodus has been enhanced by the annual arrival of my mother-in-law’s amazing meringues!
Black Sheep CBD meringues combine all-natural, responsibly-sourced, soy-, gluten-, dairy-, and GMO-free inspired ingredients such as pure cane sugar and fresh egg whites with what many are finding to be the best ingredient of all- CBD.
As they offer the healing elements of 100% hemp-derived cannabidol (which has been shown to minimize anxiety and pain, among other benefits) without any of the “high” that comes from another hemp-based element commonly known as THC (or even any of the aftertaste that many other CBD products have), Black Sheep stand out, but in a good way- just like my mother-in-law’s meringues.
As they are so yummy, it can be tempting to overdose. Fortunately, Black Sheep come in both 100 and 200 mg varieties, making it easy to control how much of a tasty treatment you take.
Speaking of variety, Black Sheep meringues and THC gummies come in a wide range of flavors that includes cappuccino, caramel, chocolate, cotton candy, vanilla, and even an appropriately celebratory birthday cake flavor, all of which come in at just 20 calories per treat!
Though nothing may make me feel as good as having my family come to visit and having one of them bring mouth-melting meringues, Black Sheep can at least keep me feeling no pain the rest of the year while I wait to leave Egypt once more.
Though many of us may not be cooking at home as much as we had before the masks (thankfully!) started to come off, when we do have the urge, it can be frustrating to be foiled by a lack of foil (or other pantry staples).
Fortunately, our friends at America’s Test Kitchen have come up with another great guide that will help get even reticent or retired rotisseurs revived and ready to go!
The Complete Modern Pantry offers nearly a year’s worth of ideas for ways to make what you want with what you have.
Realizing that everyone sees different items as “must-haves” in their kitchens, The Complete Modern Pantry puts common items in categories (e.g., bulk and base items, frozen foods, baking-based bites, creamy and crumbly foods, and textured toppings) each of which is elaborated upon so that you can choose your favorites and be sure to have at least them on hand so you can make food you like and will actually eat (which is the point, no?!). The book also suggests substitutions and multiple uses for various items and offers alternative and even improvised edits so that almost any chef can comply with the books’ guidelines and reap the rewards from their own refrigerators. It also offers encouraging advice so readers can feel more comfortable and confident moving about the kitchen even if they feel it may be understocked (at least in terms of certain foods or food categories) and so they can take their available foods and this great guide and make unique recipes that are truly efficient and their own!
From breads and baked goods to drinks and desserts to sweet and savory snacks and soups and stews to a Little Italy’s worth of dishes based on one-pot pastas to other internationally-inspired dishes and spice blends that bring you the world without going to the international market, this book has what it takes even for those who may not.
Forget the shopping list at home? Head back there, grab this book, and make a great meal anyway!
With all the medical claims about what food do what for you, it can be confusing to keep track of the latest data and advice. One of the most discussed foods in recent memory has been mushrooms. From simple buttons to hallucinogenic types, the fabulous fungi could fill many a research library before filling your tummy.
In addition to bringing us the Long Drink, the fun-loving Finns have also created Four Sigmatic, a mushroom-based brain food that you can actually drink!
For those who do not speak Finnish or understand terms related to the burgeoning brain food sector, the name apparently signifies the distance the foods are from the “average” (which is apparently measured in sigmas). As proven over years of research and studies, the rightly-named Four Sigmatic foods are among the most nutrient-dense available and, thanks to great recipes, among the most delicious!
Among the truly super-food ingredients that help Four Sigmatic stand so far above the rest are such totally safe but nevertheless mushrooms as Chaga, Lion’s Mane and Cordyceps that are combined to support your energy, mind, mood, and other vital organs and functions, And though they also offer packets and powders that can be added to other beverages and foods to give them a punch of protein and power, among my favorite delivery systems are their cacao mix and their growing menu of fair-trade, Arabica-based coffee that offers great brain-boosting nutrition and great taste without the typical (and often detrimental) caffeine crash.
With a catalog that is organized either by product type or by benefit, Four Sigmatic makes it easy to choose from among their growing catalog. Their subscription service and referral program make it less taxing on your brain to help keep it strong and also to share it with other smart (and soon to be smarter) people for whom nutrition and taste matter most.
As Matt’s Meals fans know, I am a nut about donuts!
That is why I as so stoked to hear that Donut Villa Diner recently expanded from Malden to Cambridge!
And while they have some of the most creative and delicious donuts around, incluuding their apple cider and apple fritter donuts, as well as their double-chocolate toasted almond and white Belgian chocolate and Oreo donuts and a worthy selection of gluten-free treats, Donut Villa also offers a wide raft of delicious diner delights, including breakfast sandwiches, customizable bagel and oatmeal options, and their epic combo- the donut French toast platter. If you want to enjoy their wares later in the day, the Diner also has a wide array of healthy and delicious bowls, salads, wraps and sandwiches, a Thanksgiving-inspired turkey plate with all the traditional fixin’s, and a set of boxed lunches that are great for catering. If you do take their tasty treats to go, they also offer aboth a box of coffe and a box of hot chocolate so your younger office mates can enjoy!
So while the name may say “donut” and while they could easily rest on that laurel, be sure to try out the diner side of Donut Villa Diner and enjoy everything in their hole world.
From Indigenous Peoples to five-star hotels, maple is the sweetener of the moment
By Matt Robinson
Each spring, hundreds of farmers put taps in thousands of trees and collect the magical elixir that is derived from their xylem- sap. This sap is then boiled down at a ratio of 40:1 and transformed into what has become one of the world’s favorite flavorings – maple syrup.
“Maple sugaring has been part of the spring tradition for centuries,” explains New York State Maple Producers’ Association Executive Director Helen Thomas, whose family has been producing maple products for over 200 years.
First made by the indigenous peoples of what is now eastern North America (talk about an “occupation”!), the practice was adopted (as was the case with so many others) by European settlers who “refined” production methods and eventually made it into an entire industry that, despite global climate changes and other challenges, appears to be expanding. Even though real maple syrup is only made in a relatively small part of the United States and Canada, many of the world’s finest restaurants are using more maple in their recipes than ever before!
“Pure maple syrup has become…one of those flavors that people just love to try new things with,” asserts third-generation maple man Steven Anderson of Anderson’s Pure Maple Syrup in Polk County, WI.
Unlike other sweeteners, sap offers many nutrients.
A comparison of nutrient content in syrup v. other sweeteners
As it does not involve the intense cultivation, heavy pesticide and fertilizer use, soil degradation, and other ecological problems related to other popular sweeteners, such as corn, cane, and beet sugar, it is also better for the environment. According to Adam Wild, co-director of Cornell University’s maple syrup research center, maple sugaring encourages “healthy and intact native ecosystems where sap is harvested year after year from the same trees.” Maple forests also sequester carbon, provide diverse habitats for wildlife, filter water, stabilize soil, and provide land for recreation.
“Maple syrup is unique in this aspect,” Wild maintains, “with a flavor unlike anything else!”
Though the province of Quebec continues to lead the world in production, with 70 percent of the world’s output and exports alone reaching a value of over C$487 million (abouyt $US360 million), syrup is also produced in Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Hampshire, New York, Pennsylvania, Vermont, and Wisconsin with the Green Mountain State leading the American way with an annual yield of over 2,000 gallons!
Even in VT, however, many family farms have been forced to close, as can be seen in The Sugarhouse Project, an online catalog of VT family sugarhouses that was recently launched by Dori Ross, the owner of Tonewood Maple (which itself was recently closed then the border was). In addition to tracking the demise of family farms, Ross has also tracked the impact of climate change and maintains that, over the past 50 years, nearly 20 tree-tapping days have been lost and that tappable trees south of the Canadian border may run out before the end of the century.
Another way to learn about the history of maple farming is at Hurry Hill Farm in Edinboro, PA, which not only offers annual tours (this year’s having been converted to a “drive-by” format so people could still participate) but also includesthe 1956 Newbery Medal awarded to Virginia Sorensen for her acclaimed children’s book, Miracles on Maple Hill, which, explains Farm owner Janet Woods, “is set in and around…Edinboro.
Though many appreciate maple’s history, others look forward to continued growth and diversification.
“The maple industry has grown,” observes Cecile Brannon of Branon Maple, whose 4,300-acre single-source organic family farm in Fairfield, VT, has been passed down through four generations, ”and the demand is getting better!”
According to Ian Ackerman of Ackerman Maple Farm in Washington County, VT, among the reasons maple’s growth are the realization that maple syrup is a natural sweetener that has health benefits, the movement to get back to what he calls “the roots of food,” the use of maple in everyday cooking, and the desire to are “shop small.”
“[Shopping locally] saved a lot of businesses from going under,” he attests, citing his own farm as one that was saved, thanks to what he sees as a “maple community.”
While Anderson admits that family farms like his are still prevalent, he is amazed by how sap collection has changed. Many who once used buckets and horses now use webs of pressurized tubing and reverse osmosis to take sap from the trees to the evaporators.
“[They] are more efficient than I could have ever imagined,” Anderson muses, noting that some collections are run by apps! As maple is now easier than ever to collect and process, many people with just a few trees are getting in on the sweet science.To fulfill this growing desire, Vermont Evaporator Companyproduces systems designed for home use.
“They let hobbyists with even a few…trees produce top-quality syrup,” explains Founder Kate Whelley McCabe, suggesting that home production can be a great family project, especially when everyone is stuck at home.
In addition to home sappers, McCabe and her husband have sold to inns, distilleries, schools, and other “tree-to-table” institutions.
“[They] use our products to make the…syrups that inform their hospitality and…dishes,” McCabe observes.
While industrial production has consolidated, resulting in what McCabe sees as “bigger outfits making more and more gallons per year,” she also observes, “a parallel trend” she calls “micro maple” that involves people making syrup on their own land for use in their own business
“This…revolution opens up new geographical markets,” she says, noting how it also allows other varieties of trees to be used, instead of just the famed Sugar Maple.
Among those who have expanded the menu is Michael Farrell,CEO of New Leaf Tree Syrups (which has sugarhouses in VT and NY). Citing the increase in home cooking as a “silver lining” of the pandemic, Farrell (who served as director of Cornell’s maple center for 13 years) still admits that the pandemic has been “tough for small producers who sell a lot of their syrup to people who normally come visit their sugarhouse.” However, he notes, “online sales and traditional retailers have seen a significant uptick in sales over the past year.” When asked what makes his company different, Farrell explains that New Leaf focuses on what he calls “forest-based infusions” that use less traditional tree saps “to add unique, diverse flavors from our forest.”
As many are not aware that syrup can come from other types of trees, Farrell’s products have become popular with home chefs and professional ones as well.
One of Farrell’s fans is Andrew Luzmore from Blue Hill at Stone Barns in Tarrytown, NY, who was initially intrigued by Farrell’s efforts to market “alternate” tree syrups and quickly became a believer.
“Through the restaurant’s menu,” Luzmore maintains, “we try to support and showcase the diversity of plants…needed to foster a resilient ecosystem.”
“The biggest thing that most people don’t get is that it is a natural sugar that is better for you than most other sugars and it goes great with almost any food,” Anderson says, “Using maple syrup to cook with is our number one point we want to get across.”
While most eat maple in its syrupy form, there are now more ways than ever to enjoy this sweet all-natural treat. Among these are maple sugars and maple creams that are used by people with allergies as alternatives to nut- and dairy-based products.
At Red Maple Eatery in Luck, WI (which is also the birthplace of Duncan yo-yos!), Bill and Kelly Anderson mix Anderson’s syrup into everything from cinnamon rolls to root beer to tartar sauce. They also offer complimentary syrup on “Maple Monday” and sell bottles of syrup so guests can enjoy it at home.
“In this area, Anderson’s Maple Syrup is a household name,” explains Kelly, who admits that her husband is related to the maple-making family, “[so] it was natural for us to add it to our menu.”
Another chef who uses syrups collected on his own property (and in his eponymous restaurant in Earlton, NY) is Damon Baehrel.
“A variety of tree saps from our property…have been a huge part of the foundation and development of my…cuisine,” Baerhel explains. In addition to Maples, Baerhel also taps Birch, Hickory and Sycamore trees, the harvesting of which he says, “literally changed my life…. It was truly overwhelming to discover the nearly endless…flavor, color, and texture possibilities of the other trees!”
In addition to using saps in sauces, Baerhel also cooks and brines with them, pairs saps with wines and other offerings, and freezes sap to use as flavorful and nutritious ice cubes.
“There are countless…ways I utilize tree saps,” he says.
Speaking of wines, the folks at Boyden Valley Winery & Spirits in Cambridge, VT, have actually sold their grapevines and are going all-in on maple.
“We have been producing wood-fired maple syrup for four generations,” explains Owner David Boyden, noting that, unlike others, his syrups are not homogenized.
Closing his tasting room in December of 2020, Boyden now focuses on his maple-based liqueurs, including Vermont Ice Maple Crème, Apple Crème, and Maple Bourbon Crème (all of which feature wood-fired syrup and other farm-based ingredients) leaving their famous mulled wine called Glögg as the only vestige of vines.
Having “grown out” of the farmers market space, 30-year maple maker Rob Hausslein of Sugar Bob’s Finest Kind in Londonderry, VT, now specializes in what he calls, “value-added maple products,” among which are smoked syrups and a maple-infused Sriracha sauce.
Another creative maple maker is the Branon’s Fairfield, VT, neighbor Runamok Maple who, according to Co-owner Laura Sorkin, “decided to distinguish ourselves by taking maple to new places with our line of smoked, barrel-aged, and infused maple.” They recently introduced a “Sparkle Syrup” (made with food-grade mica) and some limited-release infused syrups with spices from Burlap and Barrel.
Perhaps one of the best-known maple-loving chefs is Laura Theodore, creator and star of the popular PBS series The Jazzy Vegetarian, who recently partnered with Anderson’s as well!
“Since vegans do not eat honey,” Theodore explains, “ I use maple syrup in place of honey in any recipe that calls for a liquid sweetener.”
From baked goods and beverages to salad dressings, and sauces, Theodore turns to sap. And in all episodes of her ninth season, she turned to Anderson’s.
“It’s featured in about ten recipes this season,” Theodore says. “We plan to share some jazzy recipes from the season with Anderson’s and continue to spread the sweet word!”
While chefs and cooks are highlighting real maple syrup in everything from meat rubs to doughnut toppings, according to Jason Lilley, a sustainable agriculture professional at the University of Maine, “there are more partnerships related to value-added maple.” Applications of maple have even been developed in the medical field and the pet food industry!
Among the many manufacturers tapping maple in new ways is Kate Weiler of Drink Simple of Sudbury, MA, who uses the sap to make refreshing, rehydrating drinks.
As “dedicated triathletes,” Weiler and her partner, Jeff Rose, were “continually disappointed by drinks that were either loaded with sugar or faux-healthy sweeteners or devoid of taste.” When the dynamic duo came upon maple water, they were “transformed…and inspired” by something so energizing that was available literally right in their backyards. Weiler also notes that, while it offers natural hydration similar to coconut water, maple water has lower sugar, is more sustainable, and is also naturally full of antioxidants and prebiotics, all of which are increasingly popular among consumers
“It is also better tasting,” Weiler asserts, “[and] is imbued with a bit of Mother Nature’s magic to empower a healthy mind, body, and soul.”
For those for whom maple water may not be so tempting (even when mixed with natural fruit juices, as Drink Simple does), Weiler and Rose partnered with Athletic Brewing of Stratford, CT,to make non-alcoholic maple brown beer and with Loco Coffee of Holliston, MA, to make maple-infused cold brew. They also collaborate with many restaurants that use their products in everything from cocktails and coffee to oatmeal, wellness shots, and more.
Athletic’s Head Brewer John Walker cites “similar interests in an active and healthy lifestyle, shared values and passion for high-quality…natural ingredients” as the reasons he collaborated with Drink Simple.
Loco Co-Founder Dan Bresciani cited geographical and philosophical similarities as great reasons to partner, as both companies are in MA and both want to make drinks that taste good and are good for people.
“Maple Water was a perfect match for us,” Breciani suggests, “as we are trying to make coffee taste great and be better for you without all the added sugar.”
Another maple-based beverage is MapleMama in Wendell, MA. When asked why he used maple, Founder Joe Laur explained that, like Bresciani, he wanted to create a new beverage that would satisfy sweet teeth without ruining them.
“When we…learned how to tap the maple trees in our backyard, our love affair with Mother Earth’s own sweetener began,” Laur explains, “but when our kids got older and started asking for soda pop—that’s when we discovered the real magic of maple!”
While Drink Simple and Maple Mama are available (and popular) all over, many independent makers are also in love with the sappy stuff.
As might be expected (as it is located in the heart of maple country), one of the venues that use maple in many recipes is the Ritz-Carlton in Montreal.
“We like to work with Quebec’s artisans and local products in general” explains Communication Manager Francois Parmentier, noting maple is even used in Maison Boulud, “so working with maple is just consistent with our values.”
In partnership with Chef Riccardo Bertolino (who has worked with Daniel Boulud in many of his restaurants around the world), Philippe Charest-Beaudry- co-presidentof Les Douceurs de l’érable Brien in Sainte-Anne-de-la-Rochelle, Quebec – uses maple fordry rubs, jelly, popcorn, and soft candies.
“The attributes of maple make it a perfect product to get used more in…everyday cooking,” Charest-Beaudry says, citing such reasons as its unrefined nature, eco-friendly production process, and the facts that maple is vegan (unlike honey) and contains more nutrients than any other sweetener.
While many mixologists use maple as an ingredient, some adult beverage producers are incorporating it in their products,
Boston Harbor Distillery has been partnering with the Ackermans since before they officially opened.
”Arelationship ensued over quality maple syrup and spirits that we had yet to make,” explains Founder Rhonda Kallman.,noting that she uses Ackerman’s syrup instead of sugar. “We’ve grown together ever since and have a long way to go together! “
Edinboro’s Cart/Horse Distilling makes maple rum and offers used barrels to area maple makers like Shumake’s Sugar Shack to help them give a bit of added flavor to their maple products.
“We love using natural and local products in our spirits,” explains owner Jessica Lemmon, “so it was a natural…to experiment with how we could wrap in our flavors with other local delicacies.” As many customers are aware of the maple industry in the area, Lemmon suggests “[folks] love it when we do crossover product,” and suggests that the collaborations have made for “a great sense of community!”
While production may vary according to climate and other elements, the demand for and diversity of uses of maple continue to grow and what was once a small family farm concern is now an international industry.
“Our industry has seen a huge influx of interest and even new competition,” Anderson observes, “but in the end, it will make our industry strong…because everything tastes better with pure maple syrup!”
Food waste is a BIG problem, but we all have LOTS of help
While many may have been raised with the parental claims of “Children are starving in [some foreign country or other],” food insecurity is every bit as much of a problem in the United States (if not more). In fact, in 2020, over 50 million Americans (including 17 million children) were unsure as to from where or when their next meal might come. And each day that COVID-19 remains in play, those numbers only increase.
At the federal level, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has been doing all it can to maintain and expand food support programs. According to USDA Food Loss and Waste Liaison Dr. Jean Buzby, food loss and waste are issues in both developed and developing countries. However, she has observed “real momentum in the increased interest in and activities to reduce food loss and waste both domestically and internationally.” For example, more than 30 national food sector companies in the United States have already signed on to the 2030 Food Loss and Waste Champions pledge to reduce food waste by 50% by the year 2030. Dr. Buzby also notes that the United Kingdom reached a 27% reduction in food waste between 2007 and 2018 and continues to improve!
Another major player is Compass Group. In fact, according to Senior Vice President of Sustainability and Culinary Amy Keister, Compass is “the world’s leading foodservice company” and, as such, has a broad perspective on the issue of food waste.
“Reducing food waste is a no-brainer from every perspective,” adds Bon Appétit Company’s Chief Strategy & Brand Officer Maizie Ganzler, who will also speak at the FoodTank event. “It’s good for the environment, it cuts costs, and it cuts labor.”
“Stop Food Waste Day is a huge opportunity to remind ourselves, as eaters, that we can make change…to build more social justice and equity, to fight the climate crisis, and to build more sustainable food systems,” comments FoodTank President and Co-founder Danielle Nierenberg, who will also serve as co-moderator for the Summit.
Explaining how Compass launched Stop Food Waste Day in 2015, Keister says that, as her team had long known that 40 percent of our food supply is wasted and individuals throw away nearly 300 pounds of food each year, they felt that they had to be involved in order to continue to lead in the food space.
“While reducing food waste has been inherent in our own operations for many years,” Keister explains, “we recognized that our chefs had a lot of tips, insights and passion…to share…[to] make addressing the issue fun, exciting and impactful.”
Through Stop Food Waste Day, Keister and her colleagues have been able to reach millions around the world. “What started as initiatives to reduce food waste in our own kitchens,” Keister observes, “has quickly grown to be a movement that brings together consumers, businesses, nonprofit organizations, and government entities all focused on fighting food waste.”
When asked how the pandemic has affected her organization and the people it serves and supports, Keister concludes that, while nobody could have predicted the many different impacts of Covid-19, the “silver lining” involves the innovation that has occurred on account of people facing this new challenge.
“We’re continuing to develop new models and adapt…based on shifts in workplace trends and what diners are looking for,” she says. “At the same time, we’ve stayed true to our values and our commitment to being responsible stewards of our environment hasn’t wavered.”
Among the many innovations that have arisen is the development of new technologies to take undersized or blemished produce and convert it into purees that can then be reformulated into healthy foods. Dr. Buzby also mentions that many food containers have been redesigned to preserve freshness longer, thereby reducing waste and saving money. And while protecting the earth may be important to many, protecting the budget can be more so, especially when unemployment is relatively higher with the pandemic.
“Consumers should know that wasting food is a waste of money,” Dr. Buzby urges, noting that an average family of four wastes nearly $1,500 worth of food each year. “With every meal, consumers can save food, save money, and protect the environment.”
In an effort to streamline and support their communal efforts, the USDA, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently extended their formal collaboration for three years. Together, they are working not only to save food, but to allow those who donate and share it more protections. “For example,” Dr. Buzby says, “we are working with the nonprofit ReFED to evaluate technical implementation of food loss and waste reduction strategies. We are [also] working with the Food Waste Reduction Alliance to educate private sector partners about their protections for donating food under the Bill Emerson Good Samaritan Food Donation Act.” This act, which is named for the late Congressional leader who crossed political lines to try to end hunger in America, protects those who donate to non-profit organizations from liability, even if the donated food should later be proven to have caused harm (e.g., by being spoiled). Under this protection, the realm of organizations that donate or repurpose food has exploded and many restaurants are also becoming involved.
One of the many organizations that supports the USDA and other government agencies in their efforts to stave off hunger is JEE Foods (which stands for Jobs, Education and the Economy), a student-founded organization that started at Butler Tech Ross High School in Butler County, Ohio. Collaborating with a school in South Korea, the students worked to identify the core factors of hunger and came up with three: unemployment, lack of education, and an unstable economy. As these issues are prevalent in the United States and globally, the students knew they had their work cut out for them. However, by narrowing their focus from the global community to their own, the students were able to get a handle on this often overwhelming situation.
“We took a step back and analyzed our own community,” says Butler County Coordinator Levi Grimm, noting that his team decided to begin “at the root of the problem” by not only providing food but also providing education. “At JEE Foods we like to say ‘breaking the cycle of poverty by creating a cycle of improvement,” Grimm mentions, noting how easy it is to fall into poverty and how difficult it can be to emerge from it again.
“Once someone is living paycheck to paycheck,” he observes, “it’s tough to get ahead. Oftentimes there is very little assistance…and getting a better paying job usually requires some form of higher education which is hard to obtain whilst money issues are present.” These are some of the factors that led Grimm and his team to come to their trio of core challenges.
To help stave off this slippery slope and support those who may be most likely to succumb to it, JEE Foods not only rescues and redistributes unused food (reaching over 70 nonprofit organizations across Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana, with plans to scale nationwide), reaching out especially to people who live in areas where fresh produce and other nutrient-dense foods may not be available, they also provide culinary and job training to those in need of support and a new direction. When the pandemic struck, Grimm and his colleagues connected with the USDA to help their constituents take advantage of the Farmers to Families food box program.
“We pivoted to the food boxes,” Grimm explains, “since restaurants were closed for quite some time and there wasn’t much food to rescue.”
While supply was down, however, demand was higher than ever. Even so, JEE was able to answer the call by working with partners to make more efficient and effective deliveries.
“In 2019,” Grimm recalls, “we reached 20,000 pounds of rescued food. In 2020, we crossed the threshold of 1.48 million pounds of food rescued.” So far this year, JEE has rescued over 3 million pounds of food and predicts that number is set to rise to 5 million pounds by the end of 2021. Even so, Grimm realizes that JEE cannot reach everyone in need.
“We can become discouraged when life hits where it hurts,” he says, “but knowing that we are able to help at least one person keeps us pursuing forward.”
Though they continue to grow and help more people and though they have the capacity to make use of food donations of any size – from a single sheet pan to a semi-trailer full – Grimm maintains that his biggest goal is to put JEE out of business.
“Our hope is that one day the need for us won’t be there,” Grimm maintains.
While JEE continues to grow, another player at the national level is Food Rescue US (FRUS), which was founded in 2011 with the mission to help end hunger and food waste in America. Using proprietary software, FRUS engages volunteers to rescue donated excess fresh food from grocers, restaurants, and other sources that would have otherwise been thrown away and deliver it to social services agencies that feed individuals and families who are food insecure.
“This is a win/win,” observes CEO Carol Shattuck. “Rather than the excess food ending up in landfills where it would create methane gas which contributes to global warming, the food is given to people who really need it.”
While it is not in all 50 states, FRUS has service centers in 20 and in the District of Columbia. In all of their 36 locations, FRUS works with food donors (e.g., grocery stores, restaurants, corporate dining facilities, schools, convention centers, etc.) who provide their excess food.
“With food insecurity on the rise and greater awareness of the negative impact of food waste on our planet,” Shattuck suggests, “it is gratifying to partner with so many food providers who understand the critical role they play in helping to solve both food insecurity and food waste.”
Another food-saving organization with offices nationwide is Rescuing Leftover Cuisine (RLC), which was founded in 2013 by Robert Lee, a Korean immigrant who grew up in a family that had experienced food insecurity.
“They struggled to maintain food security and refused to allow any to go to waste,” explains New England Coordinator Dana Siles, who notes that, ”the life experiences of our food donation recipients are often indistinguishable from Robert’s parents’ story.”
Since it launched in 2016, RLC’s Massachusetts branch (RLCMA) has transported over a half million pounds of food from nearly 100 food donor partners to over 100 human service agencies and 365 homes. As all of their staff is volunteer (including over 600 delivery helpers), all of the food is transported and delivered at no cost to the recipients!
“The need for food distribution to shelters, human service agencies and low-income households is immediate and pressing,” Siles observes. “Meanwhile, up to 40% of food is thrown out. That’s where RLCMA steps in.
By combining the sweat equity of their volunteers with the latest technology, RLCMA (and all RLC branches) links leftover food from businesses to human service agencies.
“We strategically match food donors…to recipients,” Siles explains, “and bridge the gap by engaging community members…to achieve immediate and lasting food equity.”
Unlike many food recovery organizations, RLC has no minimum pickup size, encouraging donations of any excess. “This approach helps us address the niche gap often neglected by food rescue organizations,” Siles suggests, “connecting more points of food production and distribution to more communities.”
RLC also has no restrictions regarding budgets and tries to prioritize smaller organizations that require free assistance.
“Through communication,” Siles says, “we learn the unique needs of each organization and the populations they serve to best serve our community.”
According to Siles, food costs in MA are nearly 18% more than the national average and Bay State residents have experienced the highest projected change among all American states in terms of both food insecurity and child food insecurity as a direct result of the pandemic. “Norfolk and Middlesex Counties were among the five counties across the entire country with the highest projected percentage change in child food insecurity between 2018 and 2020,” she notes. As public transportation has proven riskier to use during the pandemic, those who live in so-called “food deserts” (i.e., places where fresh food is scarce or hard to come by) must depend more heavily on food pantries. Unfortunately, these are often no safer, as they often involve long lines and enclosed spaces.
“Weakened immune systems, winter weather, and multi-generational households all conspire against these most vulnerable communities,” Siles points out. “Residents who were already struggling financially prior to the pandemic are in even greater distress.”
That is why RLCMA began waiving fees in March of 2020. Despite this loss in funding, RLCMA has seen a huge upswing in terms of overall support.
“Businesses have… increased their in-kind meal donations by 58% over the last year,” Siles says, thanking such diverse dining deliverers as the Asian Bon Me, Lombardo’s Italian restaurant and event space, the Oasis Caribbean Restaurant and IRIE Jamaican Style Restaurant, Suya Joint African Cuisine, the Cape Verdean Nos Casa Café, the Haitian-Asian Neighborhood Kitchen, the new Peruvian place Tambo 22, and, most recently Tatte Bakery, who has donated over 3,000 pounds of bread and baked goods from their 12 locations in and around the city. “To date, our corps of Rescuers has delivered over 45,000 meals to 50 different HSAs and 365 homes.”
As many food partners have expressed a need for free pickups in order to continue donating their excess food as they rebuild their businesses, Siles is keen to mention that RLCMA (and many organizations like it) are more in need of financial and volunteer support than ever.
“Our goal is to increase both the frequency of deliveries and the number of families we can assist,” Siles says. “By delivering prepared meals directly to homes, we are giving those who require food assistance the ability to increase their intake of nutrient-dense food while reducing their need to leave the safety of home to access it, and supporting local businesses while doing so.”
Boston is also home to Lovin’ Spoonfuls. According to COO Lauren Palumbo, the organization was created in 2010 based upon the recognition that hunger is a problem of distribution more than one of supply.
“There is enough food to go around,” Palumbo maintains, noting that her organization works on a different model than most others.
“Before Spoonfuls,” Palumbo observes, “most non-profits running food or meal programs relied on food bank donations consisting of shelf-stable products only. Our focus at Lovin’ Spoonfuls is on fresh, healthy food to meet the nutritional needs of people facing food insecurity.”
Unlike other organizations that bank foods (and therefore are often limited to shelf-stable products), Spoonfuls picks up perishable foods that would otherwise be discarded from grocery stores, wholesalers, farms, and farmers markets and distributes them on the very same day to nearly 200 pantries, meal programs, shelters, and other non-profit organizations, including the food pantry at Boston Medical Center, the Boston Public Health Commission, Catholic Charities and Jewish Family and Children’s Services, and the USO. “We don’t store… food,” Palumbo explains. “That’s driven by the need to ensure it quickly reaches people who need it. It’s also driven by our belief that direct distribution creates direct access.”
Over the past 10 years, Spoonfuls has grown from serving Boston to reaching over 40 cities and towns and serving over 32,000 people each week with fresh, healthy food.
“We’re the largest food rescue operation in New England today,” Palumbo says proudly, noting that the organization’s efforts are funded by grants and private philanthropy and supported by what she calls “hospitality partners” – a group that includes chefs and other hospitality professionals.
“They’ve been and continue to be such an important draw for us,” she says gratefully. “Plus, so many of them are working to amplify our message that there’s a better place for good food than a landfill.”
As the message of alternative ends for food continues to spread, Palumbo sees this as “a silver lining” to the pain so many hungry people have endured, especially in the past year.
“People are talking about wasted food like never before,” she says. “They’re looking for ways to make food last and share it with others. We hope to harness that interest and engage even more champions in food rescue.”
Another Boston-area organization that helps stave off hunger for thousands of people by “rescuing” and redistributing food that would otherwise go to waste is Food For Free.
“Our goal is to provide fresh, healthy, delicious food for individuals and families who are in need,” explains Director Sasha Purpura, “and we go to those communities to make sure people are getting the nutrition that they need.”
As the Bay State has one of the highest unemployment rates in the country, hunger is more of a challenge than in other areas.
“One of our biggest challenge…has been keeping up with the demand and the unprecedented need for food here in Boston,” Purpura says, noting that the USDA has recently cut deliveries for its Farmers to Families food box program, leaving many pantries without ample supplies. “The pandemic continues to stretch the emergency food system to a breaking point.”
In order to continue to provide those who used to rely on the USDA program, Food for Free has created their own boxed food program called the Just Eats Grocery Box that provides boxes of fresh vegetables for low-income households.
“The boxes…are filled with fresh produce and wholesome pantry staples like rice and beans,” Purpura explains, “[and] are designed to be grab-and-go, the preferred method of distribution during the pandemic to keep workers, volunteers, and participants as safe as possible.” She notes that the foods in the boxes are not only those most requested by constituents, but also “more culturally appropriate to a wider group of people.”
Food for Free delivers this food to individuals, families, and also to other emergency food programs. Food for Free has over 80 community partners, including the Boston Area Gleaners and the Greater Boston Food Bank. Through a partnership with Lindentree Farm in Lincoln, MA, Food For Free operates its Field of Greens program that grows fresh, healthy produce that is often difficult to obtain through the emergency food system. Recently, Clover Food Lab also donated 650 Clover Meal Boxes to those experiencing food insecurity.
“The hunger crisis can feel so shocking and overwhelming,” says Clover Founder and CEO Ayr Muir. “We are so lucky to have Food For Free right down the street from us doing amazing work, and we were so excited to partner with them…. I am so proud of the Clover team and of our customers who came together in huge numbers to donate hundreds of full, nutritious meals to our neighbors. We can’t solve this problem, but we can do what we do best – cook for lots and lots of people.”
Clover has also established a food matching program in which they donate a third box of food for every two that are donated by others.
Food For Free’s longstanding Home Delivery program delivers bi-monthly boxes of produce and pantry staples to elderly and disabled Cambridge residents who are unable to easily access food pantries. Unlike other anti-hunger groups who may rely on their own pantries and base of operations to distribute food, Food For Free works to meet individuals and families in need in the places they access daily such as public schools and housing developments as distribution points. This approach of “meeting people where they are” makes it easier for individuals and families in need to access healthy food.
“We are working with local public schools to provide meals and groceries,” Purpura explains, “and helping local housing developments create their own free food markets.”
Allocating $25,000 per city to some of the most hard-hit communities, Food for Free has been able to purchase food to support other community food programs.
“In the last year, Food For Free distributed 4.7 million pounds of nutritious food throughout Greater Boston,” Purpura recalls, which more than doubled the amount of food they distributed the previous year.
Despite the increased support, however, Purpura admits that there is still much to be done, even as the economy begins to recover.
“There’s still so much work to do as the food insecurity rates continue to rise here in the state,” she says, noting that the need for volunteers is as high as that for food. “Now, more than ever before, we’ve had to come together as a community to make sure people are getting the food and nutrition they need.”
And while some organizations hope for a day when they will no longer be necessary, Purpura has a different view of success.
“We envision a future where everyone in our community – regardless of age, income, or ability – has consistent access to fresh, healthy, delicious food,” she concludes.
In an effort to help their friends and neighbors wash down all the donated food, Steeped Coffee in Scotts Valley, CA, has created a number of supportive systems, including the You Give We Give program (in which the company matched gift box purchases with donations to front-line workers and provided free deliveries to hospitals, fire and police stations, and clinics) and the more recent Stay Home, Stay Steeped campaign that provides free home delivery on all coffee, cups, kettles, and gear.
“We are always looking for ways Steeped can serve as a positive force for good,” Founder and CEO Josh Wilbur says, noting how these programs have allowed Steeped to, as he puts it, “meet the moment now and into the future as a vehicle for other organizations.”
After giving away over 70,000 packs of their pre-measured, ethically-sourced, sustainably-packaged, hand-roasted premium coffees, this certified B Corporation took their giving to the next level with their Packs for Good program, through which they donated 20% of all sales to the national food-support organization Feeding America and other organizations that fight hunger across the country.
“There is no doubt we’ll never forget these times,” Wilbur observes, “but it’s what we do for others, even the small things, that will be remembered. As a startup in these crazy times, Steeped is looking to do anything within reach to make a difference and encourage others to do the same. We know that every small act will all add up to make a big difference!”
As many people enjoy cookies with their coffee, MySuperFoods in Summit, NJ is another generous company to consider. Founded by the dynamic duo of entrepreneurial mothers Silvia Gianni and Katie Jesionowski, MySuperFoods makes cookies and snacks that are intended for kids yet are delicious and nutritious for people of any age. In addition to organic ingredients that are full of whole grain and fiber and free of nuts, each snack features a special character that encourages customers to eat and be well. On top of supporting and satisfying their customers, the team at MySuperFoods also supports food banks from NY and NJ to CA and TX.
“Our company purpose is to make SuperFoods for SuperKids…[and] provide families with a variety of nutrient-dense snacks they can rely on and turn to for delicious, convenient options,” Jesionowski explains. “At the heart of our brand is a social mission to help fight food insecurity in the US.” To date, the MySuperFoods family has donated over 235,000 snacks to kids in need through six food bank partners.
“We donated all of the available product that we had at the start of the pandemic,” Jesionowski recalls, “and then started receiving orders from food banks because their typical supply chain froze up. It felt good to support them while we fought for our own brand to survive!”
While some food-related non-profit organizations strive to expand and reach more people, sometimes it is the smaller-scale servers that support the most.
Law firm office manager David Coughlin has been volunteering at the Wednesday Night Supper Club at the Paulist Center in Boston for 30 years, serving as director for four years and currently as lead cook.
“Pre-pandemic, we provided a hot [sit-down] meal every Wednesday to homeless and elderly people,” he recalls. “In the pandemic, we are preparing meals to go.”
The Club is sponsored in part by Project Bread, who runs the annual Walk for Hunger in Boston and supports hunger relief efforts across MA.
Coughlin notes that there is a similar service program that is hosted Friday nights at the nearby Unitarian church.
“They have a paid professional chef I believe,” he says. “Otherwise, [they use] lots of volunteers.”
Boston-area locals have also been receiving support from the Festekjian family, owners and operators of Anoush’ella restaurant. Despite the fact that they had to close restaurants in other neighborhoods due to Covid, the Festekjians not only kept their Boston flagship open, but used it as a community center where hundreds of free meals were distributed to out-of-work hospitality workers.
“It all started when we had to close the Lynnfield [MA] location due to the pandemic,” Raffi Festekjian explains. “We didn’t want the food to go to waste, so [my wife] Nina and I brought it all to the South End location. Initially, we decided to offer meals for free out of work hospitality workers and that’s where it began and where we continued throughout the pandemic [donating] up 65 free meals a day, seven days a week.”
“One of the big reasons I wanted to leave the corporate restaurant business” Peljovich offers, “was so that I could have a greater impact on my local community.” Peljovich credits his Cuban immigrant parents with instilling in him the value and importance of having a positive impact on others. “It has been so fulfilling to continue to feed frontline heroes through multiple organizations that are coordinating the efforts!”
“I believe it is important to help anyone at any time,” says Alexi Iliades, “especially during a crisis like the current pandemic. The community of Newton, where our family is from and our restaurant is based, has embraced and supported us for the last 25 years. Now it’s our turn to give back to the people who are our friends, customers, and really a second family. That is what a community is and it’s who we are at Farm Grill & Rotisserie.”
“Being a small business owner,” Chef Guas explains, “my first concern when the pandemic hit was to keep my staff working and to keep their families fed.” Once that was taken care of, Guas looked around his community to see who he could support next. He quickly came to see the 300 kids who were on a meal plan at the Key Elementary School while the school was shut on account of the pandemic.
“How would they and so many others be fed?” Guas asked himself. “So we started cooking. That’s what [chefs] do – we feed people!”
CFF as co-founded with Real Food for Kids, another community organization that not only helps feed students, but also helps them find employment in the restaurant community.
“I started cooking for the community on March 17, 2020,” Guas recalls proudly, “and it was the first rapid relief response in the DC area to feed local students and families nutritious, plant-based meals.”
In order to ensure that nobody feels isolated or embarrassed, Guas makes sure that CFF does not ask for identification when people come to ask for food. “By not requiring ID,” he explains, “it opened the doors for us to reach so many more families in need.” As their meals are plant-based, CFF is also able to welcome people with special dietary needs.
“It was important to us that we were presenting healthy and inclusive options that would appeal to as many people as possible,” Guas says, noting how the rise of food insecurity and cheap, poor-quality, highly processed foods have contributed to what he (and many others) sees as “a skyrocketing increase” in childhood obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and obesity-related cancers.
Since its creation, CFF has invited and served so many people in that it has grown to 17 distribution sites and involved other chefs, including Tim Ma of American Son, Pizzeria Paradiso, Silver Diner, RASA, MightyMeals (which also happens to be the official meal prep company of the D.C. United soccer team!), and the Green-certified catering company Design Cuisine. With the support of generous sponsors, donors, and local community members, CFF has served more than 125,000 free grab-and-go meals to families in the Washington, D.C. metro area.
“CFF recognizes it has a crucial role to play by continuing to…serve the community for the immediate and long-term,” Guas concludes, noting that he recently added family meal kits to the CFF menu. “These…sustainable initiatives will have the power to create lifelong behavioral changes and improve health outcomes for all children and their families.”
Further south in St. Petersburg, FL, Chef Robert Hesse is offering food and function from his Fo’Cheezy Twisted Meltz food truck. As Chef Hesse’s childhood and adolescence included homelessness and prison, he has dedicated himself to helping other teens at risk.
“You’d be surprised at the amount of work ethic you’ll find in a convicted felon,” Hesse observes, noting how kids who faced challenges similar to those he faced offer a useful combination of “street smarts and drive” that allows them to learn quickly and turn their lives around so that they can then help others as well.
Based upon the old adage of teaching someone to fish versus just giving them fish, Chef Hesse’s No Kid 86’d program (“86” being restaurant lingo for taking something off the menu) offers at-risk youth and their families and communities not only donations of food, toys, and school supplies, but also job training so they can make their own lives better.
“We want to offer that same opportunity to as many people as we can,” Hesse says.
Using music as a source of strength and support, Philadelphia’s Share Food Program recently started a program in cooperation with over 800 schools and 150 community-based food pantries, along with the Bynum Hospitality Group (who operate South Restaurant & Jazz Club, Warmdaddy’s, and Relish), the Pennsylvania Restaurant & Lodging Association and Jazz Philadelphia.
“We’ve launched a series of special food box distributions for restaurant workers and jazz musicians in need,” says Share spokesperson Marjorie Morris, who also mentions the organization’s recently developed the Knock Drop & Roll home delivery program for seniors and people with disabilities.
“The jazz community has been so supportive of us over the years,” says Bynum Manager Harry Hayman, who is also the founder of the Feed Philly Coalition, “we are happy to be working with Share and to help them out in their time of need.”
As the largest hunger relief organization in Philadelphia and one of the largest independent food banks in the nation, Share distributes food to an expansive network of 800 schools and 150 community-based partners across and outside of the City of Brotherly Love.
Marking the one-year anniversary of the pandemic, Burns is keen to remind everyone that, “emergency food relief efforts are even more critical now and in the months ahead.”
Moving from Music to Art, the Peabody Essex Museum (PEM), in Salem, MA has partnered with the Salem Pantry to support people in their community.
“The mission of The Salem Pantry is to eradicate hunger in the Salem community by providing residents in need with nutritious foods in an atmosphere of dignity and respect,” explains Executive Director Robyn Burns, noting that her organization operates 10 distribution sites around the city and also makes deliveries to home-bound individuals and households that have been impacted by COVID-19. “We also partner with the Greater Boston Food Bank to operate a food distribution hub for the greater North Shore to support other organizations to access food.”
In addition to the Food Bank and the PEM, the Pantry has also forged alliances with local food producers, including Shaws Supermarkets and Baldor Food Distribution and with local companies like A&J King Bakery and Patriot Seafoods. “Partnerships are instrumental to our success,” Burns maintains. “These partnerships provide for donations of fresh baked goods, frozen meats and seafood, fresh produce and more. This allows us to provide a consistent offering to our Pantry guests.”
When asked specifically about the partnership with PEM, Burns replies, “Joining forces with PEM during COVID has provided an opportunity for Salem Pantry to expand our impact within Salem and the North Shore. Our Feeding Community partnership has allowed…us to think creatively and innovatively about supporting our community during the pandemic and beyond.”
PEM’s Director of Annual Giving Blair Evans Steck adds, “At PEM, we believe strongly that we have a civic responsibility to our neighborhood and our community at large. When we heard about the dire need for food and the efforts The Salem Pantry was undertaking to meet that need, it was clear to PEM that we had an opportunity to amplify their work. We teamed up to launch Feeding Community, an effort designed to raise awareness, secure essential funding, and recruit volunteers to support the food pantry’s life-sustaining operations.” With the help of over 400 donors, PEM was able to launch a $20,000 challenge gift. “We are [now] moving forward with our plans to assist the pantry’s volunteer needs and other ways,” Steck says, “where we can address feeding the body and the soul through art making, free PEM admission coupons for volunteers, and more. We are thrilled that this initiative is resulting in a longer-term, mutually-beneficial partnership with The Salem Pantry!”
On the other coast, Replate has been helping the hungry in and around San Francisco since 2015 and now serves a great portion of Northern CA.
Replate began as a nonprofit called Feeding Forward,” recalls COO Katie Marchini, noting that co-founder Maen Mahfoudhad come from Syria, “where he saw firsthand the impact of food insecurity…and was surprised to find parallel disparities in the U.S.” After participating in a nonprofit accelerator, Feeding Forward expanded throughout the Bay Area. Eventually, the organization split into two pieces with Replate serving as the nonprofit arm.
“The mission was to prevent food insecurity and mitigate climate change in a simple, safe, and efficient manner that is supported by efficient technology,” Marchini explains “Replate creates technology and activates the community to reliably redistribute surplus food to those experiencing food insecurity.“
“We’ve grown our service through word of mouth referrals and an active mission to identify new and substantial sources of food surplus across various industries,” Marchini says.
Even with these strong supporters, however, Replate has had to face shortages in supply due to the pandemic.
“COVID impacted our recipient partners significantly,” she admits, “as many more Americans now face food insecurity and venues to distribute food shut down or ceased operations.”
Fortunately, Replate has been able to reconfigure its service model by delivering directly to it constituents’ doorsteps.
“[It’s] a project we called Replate Home,” Marchini says, noting that her organization has also sought out new donor partners, including grocers and other food delivery services.
Though the pandemic has posed challenges it has also engendered learning. “We’ve learned how important and fragile the food system is,” Manchini notes, “specifically when it comes to logistics and supply chain management.”
In addition to striving to support communities, Replate also seeks ways to distribute resources in a sustainable way that provides greater access while reducing their carbon footprint.
“We measure the impact of our partner’s donations so they know the impact they’ve made each month in terms of meals provided, carbon dioxide diverted, water saved, and soon the nutritional content of the food delivered,” Manchini explains.
And while this learning has helped Replate continue to streamline and update their systems to make their deliveries more efficient and effective, the largest lesson that Manchini and her team have learned relates to what she calls “the extensive power of food.”
“When a person doesn’t have to worry about where they will get their next meal,” she observes, “they can work, they can go to school, they can support themselves and their families…[and] they can ward off graver illnesses.”
In fact, Manchini points out, some of Replate’s recipients have been able to avoid entering the homeless population thanks to their ability to use their budgets to pay for rent and utilities instead of food.
While many organizations strive to support hungry people across the country and around the world, many others are more focused on a particular community or neighborhood.
Among the food reclaimers who are helping organizations like Replate support more people are their San Francisco neighbors at Regrained, who take the grains left over from the production of beer and turn them into nutritious snacks.
According to Co-founder and Chief Grain Officer Dan Kurzrock, he and his colleagues were exploring “upcycled” food before it was a thing. Recalling early brewing adventures while still under 21, Kurzrock explains that he was “shocked” by the waste that was produced in the process.
“Every six-pack we brewed left us with [a] pound of grain,” he says, admitting that all of it ended up in the dumpster until the day when he actually tasted the leftovers and realized that, “It was not waste at all…. It could be food!”
Though he initially used the “spent” grain to make bread (selling just enough to afford more grain to make more beer), Kurzrock eventually collaborated with the USDA to design and patent a system that opened the door to what he termed “edible upcycling.” In 2019, Kurzrock and some food-saving friends cofounded the Upcycled Food Association, which today has 150 members from all over the globe.
“The movement is being hailed as a megatrend within the industry,” Kurzrock maintains. “These are exciting times!”
While it can be fun to lose yourself in a surround-sound, 2,000-foot screen with a reclinable seat, there is nothing like a community movie house where you can not only catch up on the latest flicks but also catch up with friends.
Even more rare is a movie theater that serves great food and snacks for less than the cost of a second mortgage!
That is what makes The Beacon in my old town of Marblehead such a treat!
In addition to being a great restaurant and bar (and soon shared workspace) on its own, the Beacon is also connected to the historic Warwick Cinemas, which have been a great place to see films and to see your neighbors for over 100 years!
As if the proximity to the pictures weren’t enough, the Beacon also has impressive menus that include off-the-boat-fresh seafood in such forms as tuna tartare and flatbread, chowder, escargot, and their famed shellfish towers, as well as the Beacon’s homemade veggie burger, a creative take on a Cubano sandwich, and both swordfish and veal chops. Sunday brunch adds lox or hash and eggs, a Caprese omelet, the Beacon’s signature French toast and pancakes, and their tasty take on the ever-popular avocado toast, as well as live jazz!
In addition to being connected to the Warwick, the beacon is also tied to the Paddle Box snack bar which features a friendly walk-up window that offers seafood, wings, ice cream, and the MA and FL favorite Dandee Donuts.
And if movies are not your thing, the Beacon also offers live music from some of the area’s hottest acts making a boogie-woogie brunch or dinner and dancing as enticing as dinner and a movie.
While I am fortunate enough to have ties to Marblehead and so reasons to visit the Beacon, it is surely worth the trip from anywhere else – As long as you like great food, great films, and great times, that is!
As anyone who has visited in recent years knows, the Arsenal area has been saved from its former shabby mall form into the chic new Arsenal Yards by the introduction of such swanky eateries as Buttermilk & Bourbon, City Works, and yet another effort to capture the original New Haven nuances of Frank Pepe’s world-famous pizza.
And while legends like Pepe and Jason Santos have had a hand in bringing the area back from the brink of relevance (and health standards), another restaurant has recently taken a shot at the Arsenal.
As anyone who has watched “Bar Rescue” knows, Jon Taffer knows how to make a place to eat and drink work. That is why folks around the Arsenal and far afield are excited to have him open his signature Taffer’s Tavern. And while the Tavern has been cited by others in the know as the restaurant of the future, we can enjoy it right now!
As Taffer is in charge, you can be sure that the food in fresh, the staff is prepared, and the place is spotless and meets all health and safety standards (thanks to Taffer’s other signature item – the Taffer’s Safe Dining System™). But what is most important is the menu!
In addition to exclusive drinks like the warming Campfire (made with Taffer’s trademarked rye whiskey) and the cooling, cotton-candy topped Cloud 9, or a sharable set of Taffers tasters, the Tavern also offers a wide range of wines and beers that go well with their massive Tavern pretzels and tot roast fries and before their pot roast Stroganoff and towering chicken and waffles, fork and knife chili “dawg,” brisket-blend burger, and/or Maine-style lobster roll. Whatever you enjoy, be sure to save room for their adult milk n’ cookies or a donut trip that is so fresh you need to order it before you order your meal!
Apparently the future of food (and food service) is now- so get going!
As a food fan, I am constantly offered foods that are supposedly healthy or that have so-called “superfoods” that will take care of my every ailment- either actual. potential, or hypochondriacal.
And while some seem legit, the fact that there is not much of a supervisory system makes me wary.
That is why I am so glad that I am getting into the Step One family of snack foods!
Not only were they created by a cardiologist, but they have also been put through a series of independent tests and clinical trials at the world-famous Mayo Clinic to confirm the accuracy of their nutritional claims.
Though Step One foods are geared to lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels and support cardiac health with just two servings a day, the non-GMO, antioxidant-, fiber- and plant sterol-packed, plant-based, real food products also reduce inflammation throughout the body and can even help you lose weight.
Oh- and did I mention how delicious they are? Well let me just say that it is pretty easy to enjoy two a day!
From well-portioned bars that come in such great flavors as chocolate crunch and cranberry pecan to oatmeal, smoothie and pancake mixes, and what they call “anytime sprinkles” that can be put on pretty much anything to add flavor and nutrition, Step One has great options for any meal or in-between-meal snack. They even have a book by the founder Dr. Elizabeth Klodas that explains how prevention of medical issues is far better than treatment after they arise. This being the case, eating Step One foods can lower your medical costs as well!
As we all learned during the pandemic, we are nothing without our health. That is why I am excited to take Step One (and step two) into the world of a clinically-proven set of foods that make good health easy and delicious!