Choc Zero

Matt regularly appears with Jordan Rich on “Connoisseur’s Corner” which airs on WBZ Saturdays and Sundays at 9:25 AM and 3:25 PM.

Recent samples can be found at

The following is a “script” for one of Matt’s segments:

I love chocolate. I mean- we ALL love chocolate!

But as my body ages and my tastes change, I have become more concerned about all the sugar.

That is why I was so happy to find ChocZero.

Started by a team of health supplement makers, ChocZero is made with ethically-sourced cocoa beans and adds monk fruit instead of sugar to sweeten their products. And while each square of delicious chocolate has only 50 calories, you will NOT miss the sugar!

Despite the name, ChocZero makes far more than just chocolate. In fact, their expanding menu ranges from milk and dark chocolate squares with up to 70% cacao to low-carb, keto-friendly barks to a set of sugar-free sweet syrups that go great in coffee, on ice cream, or even on pancakes!

In addition to being sugar-free, ChocZero products are gluten-, soy-, and alcohol-free as well, making them a great treat for people with medical conditions or just those of us who like something sweet without the sin. And who does not fit into THAT group?