Pricklee Superfruit Water

Followers of Matt’s Meals know that I am no fan of bottled water, especially if the bottle is the best part. However, at a recent food festival at Volante Farms in Needham, I was recently introduced to a new type of water product called Pricklee. Instead of being made from tap water and chemicals or by people who want to promote artists on pretty but environment-destroying bottles, Pricklee is made with prickle pears- a cactus cousin that is packed with natural, plant-based electrolytes and antioxidants yet almost free of sugar and calories and with NO gluten. Not only does it give you energy, it helps your internal organs do their work and can even help you bounce back after exercise or exertion. The first three flavors are prickly pear, strawberry hibiscus, and mango ginger – all three of which are subtle, not too sweet, and refreshing AND all three of which come in recyclable cans.

So the next time you want to recharge and refresh without having to worry about chemicals in your body or in the oceans, try a Pricklee.