The Family Fit Plan by Natalie Digate Muth (American Academy of Pediatrics) 

Fitness books and books about how to keep families healthy and strong are almost as common today as diet fads and therapists, but when a book comes from the American Academy of Pediatrics, it deserves at least an extra bit of notice!

Natalie Digate Muth is a dual-certified Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics, an expert on obesity and sports dietetics, and a registered nutritionist with a Masters in public health, so she knows a thing or two about health and fitness – both for the body and for the family. In this rather slim but comprehensive volume, Dr. Muth shares her own stories and the tools she and her family used to improve their senses of well-being and togetherness. In just 30 days, Dr. Muth’s plan can get every member of the family on the road to better health and, in the process, help them bring their often divergent roads together so they are all headed in the same direction so they can continue to stay healthy and stay together long after the 30 days are done. 

After establishing their baselines of activity, sleep, screen time, stress, and other vital factors, Dr. Muth asks each family member to perform an self-analysis of their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (a.k.a., a “SWOT” analysis), encouraging all of them family to be honest with themselves so they can more effectively communicate with and support each other. Once these stapes have been taken, Dr. Muth suggests establishing clear and reachable goals that are amenable to all participants and then offers helpful tips such as her five-step nutrition and meal makeovers and “6S” avoidance list, which includes sugary drink, snacks, sweets, screen time, sleep disruptors, and slick sales pitches. The book even offers recipes and reinforcements to support the plan and the people taking part in it.

So while fitness guides and family planners may be a dime a dozen, this family-friendly fitness plan is one for which everyone can put their two cents in!