Generally Great

As kids go back to school and holidays lurk just around the corner many are looking for places to stock up on supplies and other good stuff.

In my town of Needham, we are fortunate enough to have most of it taken care of at the Needham General Store!

Located just across the street from the Hersey stop on the Commuter Rail, the General Store offers not only a full Dunkin’ Donuts but also great food and gifts from other local makers. They even have books from folks who have been on my TV show “The Writer’s Block” (including my book, Lions, Tigers, and…Bulldogs? An unofficial guide to the legends and lore of the Ivy League)!

One of their latest offerings is a weekly meat pick-up from Bianco’s in Medford that allows participants to trim their weekly shopping list by a few delicious pounds.

They also offer all-natural salts from Saltire Brands, a woman-owned business that took inspiration from Paris markets and now hand-harvests sea salts from Duxbury.

If you need a quick gift (or yummy snack), bags of small-batch Minute Man kettle corn are always a hit! This Worcester-based company takes inspiration and recipes from the American Revolution and is sure to change how you see (and taste) popcorn.

Another great snack that is especially popular in my house is the GIANT peanut butter cup from Swampscott’s CB Stuffers. They apparently make the largest peanut butter cups available, as well amazing bars and other sweet treats, including items with the Red Sox logo that can let you end a sour season on a sweet note.

If you need a bit of a bridge from your typical store to one that offers as much as this specifically-situated “general” store does, remember that it also has a full Dunkin’ counter so you can enjoy a “regular” while finding unique gifts.

Keep track of wine tastings, author talks, and other events by following or visiting and have a General-ly better shopping experience!