It’s Chanukah again and that can mean only one thing on Matt’s Meals- a mention of our favorite shmearing shamash- Steve Peljovich!

I know that we talk about Steve a ton, but when your food is so good and you do so much good for the community, you deserve all the support you can get (especially when your food is so good- did I mention that?).

As with all Jewish holidays Steve has pulled out all the stops and upped his creative level to new heights with his famed (and well-named) mishigas knishes. This year’s selection includes latke and apple knishes, holiday brisket knishes featuring his famous family recipe, and even a sufganiyot knish that will have even the most devoted Dunkin’ denizens converting.

If you want ein bissel to eat before the sweet treats, Steve has appetizer-sized latkes, blintzes, chopped liver, and the ever-popular dynamic duo of Auntie Bev’s noodle kugel and Auntie Gayle’s matzo ball soup. And no Peljovich family meal would be complete without brisket and fixin’s as composed by Steve’s culinarily adept wife!

Chanukah is a time to recall the strength and perseverance of the Jewish people and to share delicious traditions with friends of all faiths. Especially in these times of anti-everything, it is more important than ever to come together around the communal table. When that table is topped with tastes from Michael’s Deli, you’d have to be some kind of shmendrik to miss it!

If you ARE too busy lighting candles and spinning dreidels to make a holiday order, have no fear! The true miracle of Michael’s is that, no matter when you visit, there are sure to be lots of fun and fabulous choices, including Steve’s ever-growing menu of themed knishes, special offerings that raise funds for community organizations and, of course, the best corned beef around.

Give Michael’s a spin. You are sure to win!
