An Easier Way to Forij

As a writer who makes my living with my vocabulary, I am very aware of my brain and how to take care of it. 

That is why I am such a fan of brands like IQBar, HOP WTR and our tent-living, brain-loving pal Parker Olson, founder of Forij.

Many has been the day when I prepare to create with a big bowl of Forij’s delicious, protein-packed, and (perhaps most importantly) brain-boosting granolas. With no GMOs or gluten and not that much sugar (especially for a granola product), Forij leaves more room for vitamins and nutrients. And with ingredients like pure maple syrup, English walnuts, flax and chai seeds, fresh cinnamon, cacao, nootropic Lions’ mane and other cognitive-caring (and non-hallugenogenic) mushroom types, the functional foods are as good for your tongue and tummy as they are for your body and brain!

As it is admittedly not always easy to carry a bowl of cereal to work (even when you work from home), I was happy to learn that Parker recently released a set of chewy and satisfying bars that allow you to take the brain and body-benefits on your bike or in your briefcase. The first pair of flavors includes a convincingly cookie-esque oatmeal raisin and a rosemary walnut that is earthy, floral, nutty, and yummy! 

Apparently, a lemon blueberry and coconut-based flavor are on the way, but the debut two are terrific on their own (or when purchased in a combo pack)!

If you want support with supporting your brain, go to and sign up for the 30-day brain challenge and to receive daily doctor-designed brain games and other tasteful tips for better health.  While there, design your own cute and colorful Forijer friend to keep you motivated as you deliciously develop body and brain.

Whether you need to clear the cognitive cobwebs out in the morning or keep the mind moving midday, Forij has the forms and flavors to give you all you need whenever and wherever you need it.