
We have often touted the benefits of great tea and coffee.

Top among them is the whole-leaf, whole-earth set from Mighty Leaf, which has been a go-to for my family and fans for years. 

Now the sustainable and socially responsible Mighty Leaf team is helping enjoyers get even mightier with a new line of enhanced beverage packets that are extra nutritious and extra delicious!

The Good Pharma line may have a title that is a bit technical, but the ingredients and focus are simple and straightforward. Like our friends at Forij, HOP WTR, and IQ Bars, Good Pharma uses what they cleverly (and pharmaceutically) call “Rxtracts” like brain-boosting, non-hallucinogenic mushrooms, as well as rare seeds and roots, easily-digestible nutrients like calming Ashwaganda and stress-reducing L-theanine, freshly-ground coffee and, of course, Mighty Leaf’s already sustaining and satisfying teas to create a set of sips that satisfy the tongue and everything around it.

The Brain Gain variety supports mental function and creativity. Resilience supports immunity. No Worries alleviates stress and tension. Rest Assured helps ease you out of your day and into rejuvenating sleep. All four come in handy single-serve packets that rest on the side of your mug and slowly infuse whatever you are drinking with added flavor and health. I often steep them alongside some Mighty Leaf tea for a brand-loyal and always pleasurable experience. 

In an effort to serve their fans and introduce the new line to others, Good Pharma has been presenting a new variety called No Worries in hotels and other places where harried travelers need a tasty break from their hectic schedules. Even if you are still working from home, however, there is still plenty to enjoy from Good Pharma and their Mighty originators and many benefits to enjoy from all of their enjoyable drinks. / (Love that hyphen!)