Burning with a Desire to Help

With the Greater Boston Food Bank bringing their Fresh Fest back, I thought it a good time to talk about other food-related organizations that are doing what they can to help eaters in need.

The appropriately-named Good Charcoal Company partners with local communities nationwide to sponsor free weekly BBQs for those experiencing food insecurity. To date, they have provided over 32,500 meals for free across the country and have a goal of 100,000 by the end of this summer!

To help them reach that goal, all you need to do is buy their coal.

Fortunately, not only is the Good Charcoal Company’s charcoal good, it is also good for the world in other ways- for while it helps feed happy families and hungry neighbors in the United States, it also unites and supports the farmers in Africa who provide the wood and improves the lives of that region’s regal cheetahs by clearing grassland overgrowth that prevents their food from flourishing. In fact, Good Charcoal is the first and only charcoal sold in the U.S. that is certified by the Forest Stewardship council!
As it is 100% free of harmful chemicals and made from sustainably-harvested acacia (which is denser than even oak and hickory!), it burns hotter, longer, and cleaner, allowing you to use less and keep your air and your food cleaner and healthier and your time over the grill shorter, so you can enjoy more of your time with family and friends while knowing that other families (both human and feline) are also benefitting from your pit mastery.

While we all enjoy our summer celebrations and time outdoors with people we may not have seen in months (if not longer), it is important to remember those who do not have such privileges and do what we can to help them enjoy more as we enjoy all that we have. 

If a charcoal can remind us, that’s pretty good indeed!
