There is so much information out there about so-called “superfoods” that are supposed to help keep you healthier or even improve your body, mind, and spirit.

And while we love examples like IQBAR, Flava Naturals, Forij, and even items from Boston legends like Harpoon Beer and South Street Diner, what they have in common more than nutritional value are great taste and great local people behind them.

Two more who fit this category are Lost Art Culture Foods and Pigeon Cove Ferments.

Lost Art is run by a single mom in Charlestown, who wants to give her daughter (and everyone else) not only wholesome, healthy, organic, sustainably-sourced food, but a better future. In addition to some of the best kraut around, Lost Art offers truly artistic options like their combination sauerkraut-kimchi and a beet-based kraut that can color your plate and your life.

Pigeon Cove is a fermenting family from Gloucester who are also taking the hyper-local and kombucha trends to new places. In addition to delicious and refreshing kombuchas that mix bold and balanced flavors like pineapple and chamomile, jalapeno and cucumber, and raspberry and basil, they also have a fermented coffee that adds brain-helping lion’s mane mushrooms to the gut-supporting probiotics and tastes so good it has often replaced my morning joe (though not IQJOE, of course!).

As a fitness trainer, father, and food recommender, I am all about finding and haring healthy options that may improve and even extend my life. But if you don’t enjoy that life, why bother extending it? With friends like the folks at Lost Art and Pigeon Cove, I do not have to choose., I can just enjoy. And so can you! /