As I do not need to tell anyone, the world is a bit nutty these days.

The Holy Land is being occupied by New York Times reporters, the Supreme Court is overseeing its own behavior, and we still haven’t even figured out a way to make a verb out of “X” (TweXting”?)

It is – in a word – chaos.

Fortunately, the secret to the solution is hidden in the problem.

All we need is a comfy couch, a favorite movie, and a big bag (or two) of Sweet Chaos popcorn!

Much like the cinematically-inspired flavors from ArcLight Cinema (z”l), the family behind Sweet Chaos combines premium gluten-free, non-GMO, whole grain corn kernels in small batches with healthy coconut oil, real cane sugar and sea salt, and mouth-melting drizzles of chocolate and peanut butter, black and white cookie flavors, and cake batter bits. If savory is more your thing, you can get Chaotic with real cheddar cheese, and wonderfully sticky gobs of butter topping. And as they know chaos does not stop when (or is that “if”?)  the temperatures drop, the Chaos creators recently released a seasonal set that includes peppermint, gingerbread, and – of course – pumpkin spice too!

No matter what you try, however, you may not even need the movie to get your best binge on! This stuff is AMAZING!

While the fun flavors are fabulous, Sweet Chaos also offers delicious options for the popcorn purist, including kernels topped with sea salt and traditional movie theater popcorn.

As a pickle freak, I am looking forward to their forthcoming dill variety.

Armageddon may not just be a movie much longer. Either way- be ready with Sweet Chaos popcorn.