Though I have been hanging out at Cambridgeside since it was known as the Galleria and Lechmere was more than just a stop on the recently-expanded green line, I had never considered it a place to go to eat.

Recently, however, that has changed with the opening of CanalSide Food & Drink at CambridgeSide.

Anchored by a central bar that offers big-screen TVs, trivia and musical BINGO, its own DJ, and other fun reasons to take a break from shopping and gather with friends, the expansive upgrade on the traditional food court offers everything from Asian to Mediterranean to New Zealand-ish and plenty of space to enjoy it all.

At the bar (which also has waterfront views) you can enjoy beers and ciders from such regional faves as DownEast, Trillium, and Lawson’s, as well as an international selection of wines by the glass and such top-shelf tipples as the C-Side Sling with Don Juan tequila and Tomatillo and the Zima 2K – another callback to an earlier era made from Ketel One Grapefruit and Rosé.

When it comes to food, its hard to go wrong, but among my most recent faves have been the baked felafel wrap from Anoush’ella, the arugula-topped bianco verde pizza from Lala’s, the miso ramen from Sapporo, and a steaming cup of cacio e pepe from DalMoros pasta. No matter what I get, I always leave room for either some chocolate kookaberry ice cream from Far Out or a cream puff from Beard Papa’s (or maybe both!). 

If I am in a rush to grab a gift elsewhere in the mall, I can always stop by Caffe Nero, Juicygreens, or Teazzi for a liquid pick-me-up, but the food has been so consistently good and the activities so fun that I have often found myself going for a meal and maybe picking up something in the shops between courses.

To see what is new in and around Cambridgeside, go to www.cambridgeside.com.


While Chanukah is officially “late” this year (starting on December 25), the folks at The Charles Hotel are already getting into the spirit with the return of the Maccabee Bar pop-up at Noir. 

Through New Years Day, the street-level bar and nosherie will get totally lit (with safety-conscious digital candles, of course) and offering sufganiyot (basically jelly donuts) and other special treats that will have you spinning your dreidel even if you also decorate a tree, light the world with Kwanzaa, or dance around the Festivus Pole.

For seven years, Maccabee Bar maker Naomi Levy has been bringing holiday fun and food to chosen places in New York and MA. And while she still hopes to land in NYC in time to recall the ancient miracles, the Charles Hotel is offering a special package for those who need to get their spin on in style.

In addition to the already great Noir menu, the pop-up features non-traditional traditional Chanukah foods from Executive Chef Sean Lizotte and Pastry Chef Daniel Angelopolus like left-of-center latkes, an authentic smoked salmon plate, and a different donut flavor each day. On the bev side, the illuminating cocktail list includes the sufganiyot sour, the Aperol Schvitz (made with real Manischewitz), the Hebrew Hammer (Maccabee means “hammer”), and a deliciously dark dreidel-inspired drink that comes with chocolate gelt garnish.

Of course, while you are in the hotel, be sure to drift upstairs to try the latest in farm-to-table excellence at Henreietta’s Table or live Jazz at Regattabar to find more holiday surprises.

So whether you feel lonely on Chanukah or just want to see how the 2% live, take a spin by Harvard Square to light up every night this month.

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While the Boston Beer Company continues to strain at the definition of “microbrewery” as they continue to release more delicious varieties of beer to go with almost any food or event, it is good to know that another beer-loving company has begun to create foods that go perfectly with their beers.

Created by a pair of North Carolina women, Sippin Snax Gourmet Bar Snacks offers a collection of nuts, pretzels, and other sweet and savory snacks that go well not only with Sam Adams but with any other beverage…or just on their own!

Originally known as Hops + Nuts, the recently-revived sipper-savvy snack suppliers offer craft peanuts topped with beer salt, lager-lovin’ lime essence, “savree” aromatic herbs, or cocoa, espresso, and porter beer and also a flavor-bursting bar mix that features peppery peanuts, honey sweet sesame sticks, and piquant pretzels that will surely have you asking for more snacks and drinks to wash them down. For those who prefer other adult beverages, Sippin Snax has wine-washed nuts that pair perfectly with a Pinot or Merlot.

While this new set of snacks is sure to stir up fans fast, the original Hops + Nuts products are reliably delicious as well and include beer-flavored pretzels and peanuts that are topped with hot peppers and others that are meant to be paired with IPAs.

Perhaps the most notable pairing of all, however, is the one that Sippin Snax made with Sam Adams as part of the Brewing the American Dream entrepreneur showcase – Samuel Adams Boston Lager Craft Peanuts. Not only do they go great with Sam’s legendary brews, but the hand-crafted seasoning also mics the flavors of the original craft beer and can help that Boston Beer signature sudser shine in a bottle or a stein.

It’s so brilliant- it’s nutty!


As fans of Matt’s Meals may know, I am an olive fan. And while I am able to enjoy the best olive oils from food friends at Brelundi and the Greek International Market (which also has an impressive olive bar), I had never been such a fan of the pimento that is often placed inside the hole where the olive pit had been.

During a recent trip to Savannah, I came to see and taste how surprisingly satisfying this Southern staple was.

Unfortunately, I had difficulty matching the taste of the homemade cheese I enjoyed in Georgia until a company in Virginia called Birdie’s found out about my syndicated author interview show – “The Writer’s Block” – and generously offered to “sponsor” a show by sending their homemade pimento cheese for my audience to enjoy. They even included Snyder’s pretzels for dipping- How hospitable!

Having started as so many of Matt’s Meals’ favorite food folks do as a husband-and-wife team who sold their wares at the local farmers market, Birdie’s is now available nationwide.

And with flavors that range from their always appetizing traditional to recipes that add everything from dill and onion to garlic and parmesan to jalapenos and ghost peppers to a seasonal set with extra olives, it is easy to see how Birdie’s has been able to win over so many- including people who claim to not like pimento!

Let’s hear it for Southern hospitality…and Southern food!


Though I grew up in the Merrimack Valley, my writing career first took root when I lived in Marblehead.

And when you consider that my family shopped at Shubie’s all the time, it may be no surprise that I now write about great independent food makers.

As they have been around for over 75 years, it is a safe bet that I am not the first person to fall in love with the wonderful wares of independent makers with help from the Shube family. 

From freshly-prepared foods, handcrafted salads and sandwiches, and customized cakes at their recently-renovated Foodbar to candies and treats from other local legends like Harbor Sweets and a wide selection of gifts that includes great books to wine and spirits from around the corner and around the world, Shubie’s has everything you need to feed your family, sparkle a party host, and find a new favorite every time you visit! 

If you need help finding new favorites, be sure to take suggestions from third-generation Shubie, Dougy. 

If you need help finding great food for more than just yourself, Shubie’s also carters and consults on menus that are perfect for any occasion. And while a visit to the store is always fun, Shubie’s also offers online consultation and ordering and can deliver even to far-flung festivities beyond the beaches and beauty of the North Shore so you can keep enjoying even if you do not live nearby anymore (though I hope to go back soon!).


As I have been bringing my book on the Ivy League and my live author interview series to more venues (such as the Needham Library, where I will be interviewing everyone’s favorite radio host, Jordan Rich, on April 30), I have had to find more snacks to bring for my guests to enjoy as they linger to buy books and talk with the authors.

That is why I always have boxes of Effie’s Homemade on hand!

Based on the traditional Nova Scotian oatcake, these family recipe-based, hand-crafted cookies and crackers (ahem- “biscuits”) are made in Dorchester, MA and available all over (including at my book events!).

From their original Halifax-helped oatcake and European-inspired rye biscuits to their hearty and historically-accurate corn cakes and stone-ground wheat pecan biscuits, Effie’s are perfect for wine and cheese parties, mini PB&Js or just straight out of the box. There are also recipes at https://effieshomemade.com to inspire your next sensational snack!

For those with a taste for sophisticated sweetness, Effie’s also offers aromatic almond biscuits, bold and snappy ginger biscuits, brain-boosting walnut biscuits, and decadent cocoa biscuits.

No matter which you pick, all of their biscuits come in giftable boxes and samplers and many are also available in individually-wrapped two-biscuit servings that are just right for a satisfying snack or something special to share

While becoming a loyal customer is not hard, Effie’s even offers a reward program for those of us who enjoy their wonderful wares on a regular basis!

Come be a guest at my author events and you too will have that opportunity!

In the meantime, use MattsMeals20 to get 20% off at https://effieshomemade.com/


I lived on the North Shore of Boston for many years and, though I have an ancient photo of my grandfather in front of the famed fisherman statue, the closest I ever came to Gloucester was a box of Gorton’s fish sticks.

These days, between the amazing fermented foods from Pigeon Cove Ferments and the great grub and grooves at The Cut, I am finding my way back more and more.

My latest find is Twin Light Smokehouse. As part of Cape Ann Fresh Catch, Twin Light takes fresh, ethically-caught fish from its experienced pescatarian parents and smokes it into its own set of salmon and shellfish sensations. From authentic Finnan Haddie and salmon-based “bacon” (the relative health benefits of which I need not go into) to savory smoked spreads, Twin Light has all you need for a shmear or a meal.

If salmon and mussels are not your thing, a visit to Cape Ann Fresh Catch will surely lure you in. In addition to offering the freshest fish from the nation’s oldest seaport, Cape Ann also offers a unique seafood CSA, the extras from which are either smoked by Twin Light or donated to area pantries so the unique flavors and nutrients that only fresh seafood can bring can be shared with those who might not otherwise be able to enjoy them. 
If you are new to Atlantic fish or want to expand your maritime menu, the Cape Ann website (www.capeannfreshcatch.org) has a handy guide to their various varieties as well as recipes that can encourage everyone to do more for their own health while supporting a healthy fishing industry.And when you can wash it all down with a Pigeon Cove kombucha- perfect!  / 


As the world continues to spiral into disarray, more people are abandoning the status quo and finding ways to survive out of the office and off the grid.

One of the best of these is Eric Christianson, a former Army Ranger who left the rat race of New York for the natural wonder of the American wilderness where he founded and runs Nutrient Survival.
Though many of their products offer nutrition that has served Special Operations soldiers and other well-prepped people, Nutrient Survival can also help everyday people prepare for every day. 

From ready-to-eat meals like oatmeal, egg scrambles, and even lasagna to powdered veggies that include all the taste and nutrition of the real thing (if not more!), to coffee and immune-boosting tea, Nutrient Survival has everything you need to survive in the canyons of the Sierras or the canyons of steel. They even offer a brain care line with a patented power pack of over 40 essential nutrients, omega-3 fatty acids, and other mental-stabilizing stuff that can keep you on your game and maybe get you off our meds and that can surely keep your mind as sharp and tuned as your body.

If all of this sounds a bit much, Nutrient Survival has a wide range of sampler sets that can help you prepare to be prepared at your own pace. Once you taste their delicious foods, however, you will surely be set to hunker in the bunker or just prep for your next boardroom battle.

As Matt’s Meals fans know, I LOVE to support Veteran-run businesses, but when the food is a great as this and as good for you, it is easy to enlist anyone to join me! 


With all that’s going on in the Middle East, many are being discouraged to use many of the life-improving inventions that have come from the region.

Fortunately, the food is still too good to ignore!

In addition to Tzurit Or of Tatte, fans in MA can also enjoy the sweet creations of ‪Liron Pergament Gal’s Choc-allure and Uri Scheft and Or Ohana of Bakey and the authentic Lebanese flavors of Cedar’s Foods.

While the Haverhill-based, family-run company has been around for over 40 years, they are not resting on their laurels (or is that cedars?) and continue to innovate and introduce new taste sensations that bring the nutrition of chickpeas and other fresh Mediterranean foods to people all over the world with nothing artificial and everything fresh and founding family-approved.

Among their most recent releases are a pair of authentic labneh (a yogurt made with goat’s milk) that are flavored with scallions or feta cheese and onion and that make for creamy and cooling counterparts to hot and spicy favorites and great toppings for Cedar’s new pita chips.

For those who are familiar with their hummuses, Cedar’s can still help you expand your palate with new flavors like hot honey and pumpkin, each of which adds nutrition and pizzaz to nearly any dish.

For those who want to dip a toe in the Mediterranean, Cedar’s also offers single-serving packs that are also great to take with you on your next adventure (or just to work).

Friends and relatives may be facing unimaginable horrors in the Middle East, but at least we can support our neighbors while enjoying nutritious delicious food.  


We have used many words for food over the years, but here are two I have not heard together before- jelly and alcohol!

I have been a fan of PB&J since I was a kid, but now that I am…older, I sometimes seek a more sophisticated sweetener for my legumated lunch.

That is why I am so thrilled to have found Olde Haven Farm!

As it is a family-run farm in Maine, it may be no surprise that Olde Haven uses traditional and ethical techniques to process and distribute its many delicious products. What might be interesting, however, is that many of these products combine flavors and ingredients that are not usually combined.

In addition to their home-grown produce and meats, Olde Haven is known for their preserves and preservations. From authentic salsas from south of the (Canadian) border to mustard pickles that combine the two best hot dog toppers in one to dill-brined green beans and garlic honey carrots, the folks at Olde Haven know how to use old techniques to make new taste sensations. But what may be the most sensational are their fresh fruit jams that, as mentioned before, are often laced with liquor!

In addition to familiar faves like strawberry rhubarb and (of course) wild Maine blueberry, Olde Haven whips up boozy batches of cherry Amaretto, cinnamon apple Whiskey, pomegranate Rosé, and Bourbon peach (which is GREAT on ice cream!), and even a Christmas flavor that is perfect for mull-ing over a gift list. Speaking of gifts, Olde Haven’s products can be combined to fit any occasion and any recipient, regardless of age or tolerance.

From the famed Maine farmer’s markets to your local grocer (just ask!), Olde Haven is growing in popularity thanks to its combination of family tradition and creative ingenuity- Just like a farm in Maine should be!
