With all this talk about borders and walls, perhaps it is time to also discuss not just national borders, but also state ones as well.
To begin with an easy one, perhaps it is time to let Maine be re-absorbed by Massachusetts. After all, Roger Berkowitz takes most of the lobster anyway and who wouldn’t want to have the natural beauty of Acadia and Ogunquit to claim as their own?
Fortunately, it seems that steps are already afoot to recoronate the former king of New England. In addition to the recent “immigration” of Eventide Oyster Co., the Babson-born brotherly burger biz known as Mainely Burgers (www.mainelyburgers.com) has not only come back to the Bay State but has recently doubled the size of its empire by adding a second store in Boston Landing right across from the New Balance complex to their already popular place in Cambridge’s foodie-friendly Central Square. Continue reading