With all the medical claims about what food do what for you, it can be confusing to keep track of the latest data and advice. One of the most discussed foods in recent memory has been mushrooms. From simple buttons to hallucinogenic types, the fabulous fungi could fill many a research library before filling your tummy.

In addition to bringing us the Long Drink, the fun-loving Finns have also created Four Sigmatic, a mushroom-based brain food that you can actually drink!

For those who do not speak Finnish or understand terms related to the burgeoning brain food sector, the name apparently signifies the distance the foods are from the “average” (which is apparently measured in sigmas). As proven over years of research and studies, the rightly-named Four Sigmatic foods are among the most nutrient-dense available and, thanks to great recipes, among the most delicious!

Among the truly super-food ingredients that help Four Sigmatic stand so far above the rest are such  totally safe but nevertheless mushrooms as Chaga, Lion’s Mane and Cordyceps that are combined to support your energy, mind, mood, and other vital organs and functions, And though they also offer packets and powders that can be added to other beverages and foods to give them a punch of protein and power, among my favorite delivery systems are their cacao mix and their growing menu of fair-trade, Arabica-based coffee that offers great brain-boosting nutrition and great taste without the typical (and often detrimental) caffeine crash.

With a catalog that is organized either by product type or by benefit, Four Sigmatic makes it easy to choose from among their growing catalog. Their subscription service and referral program make it less taxing on your brain to help keep it strong and also to share it with other smart (and soon to be smarter) people for whom nutrition and taste matter most.