Though many of us may not be cooking at home as much as we had before the masks (thankfully!) started to come off, when we do have the urge, it can be frustrating to be foiled by a lack of foil (or other pantry staples).

Fortunately, our friends at America’s Test Kitchen have come up with another great guide that will help get even reticent or retired rotisseurs revived and ready to go!

The Complete Modern Pantry offers nearly a year’s worth of ideas for ways to make what you want with what you have.

Realizing that everyone sees different items as “must-haves” in their kitchens, The Complete Modern Pantry puts common items in categories (e.g., bulk and base items, frozen foods, baking-based bites, creamy and crumbly foods, and textured toppings) each of which is elaborated upon so that you can choose your favorites and be sure to have at least them on hand so you can make food you like and will actually eat (which is the point, no?!). The book also suggests substitutions and multiple uses for various items and offers alternative and even improvised edits so that almost any chef can comply with the books’ guidelines and reap the rewards from their own refrigerators. It also offers encouraging advice so readers can feel more comfortable and confident moving about the kitchen even if they feel it may be understocked (at least in terms of certain foods or food categories) and so they can take their available foods and this great guide and make unique recipes that are truly efficient and their own!

From breads and baked goods to drinks and desserts to sweet and savory snacks and soups and stews to a Little Italy’s worth of dishes based on one-pot pastas to other internationally-inspired dishes and spice blends that bring you the world without going to the international market, this book has what it takes even for those who may not.

Forget the shopping list at home? Head back there, grab this book, and make a great meal anyway!